Services for this coming Sunday, May 16th, the Day of Pentecost, Whitsunday, will be at 8 and 10 am with guest trumpeter, Randy Ouellette. Come hear many languages! Honor the flames of the Holy Spirit: Remember to wear Red!
Readings for this Sunday: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:25-35; 37; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13; John 20:19-23.
Debra, from the office, will be on vacation Wednesday (11th)
and Thursday (12th), Tuesday (17th) and Wednesday (18th). Please contact Rev. Heidi Frantz-Dale if you
should need office assistance in her absence.

Our summer altar flowers program is underway. If you wish to
provide flowers from your garden please complete an envelope from the Altar
flower chart in the Parish Hall and turn in to the office. Thank you. We
encourage flowers to be given in memory, in honor of or in thanksgiving. If you do not have garden flowers and would
like flowers to be ordered ($20), please note that accordingly on the flower
chart and submission envelope.
Food for thought as we approach the unleashing of the flames of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost – that wild, God-filled energy that compelled the disciples out into the world to proclaim and be the Good News – crossing cultural boundaries of language and race – in ways unique to each!
Light the flame of
your imagination. Do not be confined to the narrow vision of cautious minds,
but fling wide the doors of your own curiosity. Trust your creative spirit, let
it out of the sheltered confines of polite spirituality, allow it to run free
into the distant fields of wonder. You were born to be a thinker, a maker, a
dreamer, a fashioner of what has never been seen before. You have had this
talent since childhood and you know it. You grew up living both here and in
places far beyond, places where the very light is different, where music
unknown calls the vagabond soul to wander. Take the risk. Be yourself. And
watch the stars start to move.
From Bishop
Stephen Charleston, former Dean of Episcopal Divinity School
See you in church!Blessings, Heidi+