Services for this coming Sunday, August 16th and the 12th Sunday after Pentecost will be at 8 and 10 AM with coffee hour following both services. The Rev. John Allen from Trinity Church in Meredith will preside and preach at both services.
Readings: 1 Kings 2:10-12;
3:3-14, Psalm 111, Ephesians 5:15-20, John 6:51-58.
Services for the
following Sunday, August 23rd and the 13th Sunday after Pentecost will be
at 8 and 10 AM with coffee hour following both services. The Rev. Susan Ackley
will preside and preach at both services.
Readings: 1 Kings 8:1,6,10-11,22-30,
41-43, Psalm 84, Ephesians 6:10-20, John 6:56-59.
The Rector and her
husband are on vacation and will return on August 24th. In the
event of a pastoral emergency, please call the office (323-8515) during weekday
mornings, or leave a message. Alternatively, call Carol Tubman, senior warden,
at 651-8230 or Sammie Wakefield at 476-2346.
The office will be
closed on Tue-18th, Wed-19th, and Thur-20th. Debra, the office manager,
will be away on vacation returning on Friday.
Please contact Carol or Sammie if there is an urgent need to access the
With Heidi and Debra
away, there will be no Thursday Memo next week for August 20.
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Yvonne & Jay Ramsey |
Thanks to
everyone who made the Lobster and Steak Dinner such an enjoyable success!
At the top of the list: Sally & Vic DeGroot for oversight and lots of hard work, and their amazing,
generous friends Jay and Yvonne Ramsey, who bring equipment, obtain the clams
and lobsters, and boil them up for all of us to enjoy! Thank you to David for
his work on tickets and reservation; to Judy and Kevin for their part in
mid-day food prep; Carol, Joe, Fran, Kevin, Bob, and Muffy for set-up; Bernice,
Mickey & Elaine, their friends Larry and Cindy Edgerly, Bob, Duane for clean-up;
to all who baked blueberry buckle and made coleslaw; to everyone who invited
family and friends; and those whose quiet help escaped my notice or memory
(with apologies). It was a delightful, well-attended evening that once again
brought the wider community together for relaxed sociability and good food in a
beautiful setting.
Enjoy the pictures below!
you met Deacon Kevin Mort? During most of the year Deacon Kevin serves in
the Diocese of Southwest Florida, but he has recently started coming to Ossipee
for the summer season and has been pleased to discover Saint Andrew’s. He has
“jumped in with both feet,” attending Sunday services and coffee hour,
participating in Wednesday Morning Prayer, and helping out at the Lobster Dinner
and offering to do some pastoral visits. Please introduce yourself to him. He
will be here through September, and when I return from vacation will participate
in Sunday liturgies as well.
May they rest in
Art Knowles,
former sexton here at Saint Andrew's in the 1990s, and a good friend of Carol
Tubman. His service will be held at the 2nd Congregational Church in
Cindy Ferrero,
former Chocurua postmaster, who had been joining us for worship and fellowship
this past spring and into the summer. Her service will be held in
Both were generous, caring people who touched the lives of
many. Please keep them and their families and friends in your prayers.
Food for summer
thought and reflection from Poet Wendell Berry…
Mowing the hillside pasture –
the flowers of Queen Anne’s lace
the flowers of Queen Anne’s lace
float above the grass, the milkweeds
flare and bee balm, cut, spices
flare and bee balm, cut, spices
the air, the butterflies light and fly
from bloom to bloom, the hot
from bloom to bloom, the hot
sun dazes the sky, the woodthrushes
sound their flutes from the deep shade
sound their flutes from the deep shade
of the woods nearby – those iron teeth
chattering along the slope astound
the vole in her low run and bring down
the field sparrow’s nest cunningly hung
the field sparrow’s nest cunningly hung
between two stems, the young long flow.
The mower moves between the beauty
The mower moves between the beauty
of the half-wild growth and the beauty
of growth reduced, smooth as a lawn,
of growth reduced, smooth as a lawn,
revealing again the slope shaped of old
by the wearing of water and, later, the wear
by the wearing of water and, later, the wear
of human will, hoof and share and wheel
hastening the rain’s work, so that the shape
hastening the rain’s work, so that the shape
revealed is the shape of wounds healed,
covered with grass and clover and the blessèd
covered with grass and clover and the blessèd
flowers. The mower’s work too is beautiful,
granting rest and health to his mind.
granting rest and health to his mind.
He drives the long traverses of the healed
and healing slant. He sweats and gives thanks.
Blessings, Heidi+and healing slant. He sweats and gives thanks.
Lobster dinner pics: