[Go to end of this post for pix
from the Rectory Coffee Hour last Sunday]
for this coming Sunday, August 9th and the 11th Sunday after
Pentecost, will be at 8 and 10 am, with coffee hours
following both services.
Readings for this coming Sunday: 2
Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33, Psalm 130, Ephesians 4:25-5:2, John 6:35, 41-51.
The Lobster & Steak Dinner has sold out! Thank you to all of you who have agreed to do baking and food prep. Many hands make light work, but we're still a bit short on helpers. If you'd like to lend a hand with set-up or clean-up, please let Sally (986-1278) or Carol (651-8230) know. Your generosity of time will be appreciated!
Women’s Lunch Bunch will meet this Wednesday, August 12, at noon at
the Mt View Station Restaurant in Center Ossipee. Contact Dale Appleton at
539-3761 with questions.
Heidi and Duane will be away for vacation from Monday, August 10 through Monday August 24, primarily in Woods Hole. In the event of a pastoral emergency, please contact Deb in the office on weekday mornings or leave a message for Carol Tubman at 651-8230. The Rev. John Allen will provide supply coverage for Sunday, August 16, and the Rev. Susan Ackley on Sunday August 23.
reflections from the rector as the close of the Victorian Camp for Girls approaches...
been spending this past week serving as chaplain and "chaperone of
impeccable character" with a group of 12 girls under Richard Posner's
leadership as we've been exploring what life would have been like for young
women who were up in these parts as summer visitors 130 years ago.
![]() |
The chaplain, the poet Shelley, and the chaperone |
Lots of
immersion into the natural beauty of our world through hiking, picnicking, poetry
readings, journal-writing, sketching, and water-color painting. along with cultural history. Also, ventures
into the life of young household help – long working hours polishing silver,
correct ways of doing things … leading to discussions about class and what it meant to
be female then and what is possible now! A few tidbits of car conversation en route to Crawford
Notch Tuesday and Bretton Woods today: Is God really a man? Is Mother Earth
really a mother? What is h-e-l-l? Because my mother says I shouldn't say that
word. What should we do about bad people? Why are people mean? … Mind you, none
of these were suggested topics of discussion, just quandaries that got raised as
we drove along!
We finish tomorrow with Shakespeare's Twelfth Night at the Sandwich Fairgrounds. It's given me a whole new appreciating for that gifts of that era and the, creative, fiesty, courageous, faithful work of many of our forebearers.
We finish tomorrow with Shakespeare's Twelfth Night at the Sandwich Fairgrounds. It's given me a whole new appreciating for that gifts of that era and the, creative, fiesty, courageous, faithful work of many of our forebearers.
Coffee Hour:
Good food and good fellowship!
Thank you to all who participated, and special thanks to Cathie Lewis for her attention to clean-up details.
Good food and good fellowship!
Thank you to all who participated, and special thanks to Cathie Lewis for her attention to clean-up details.
And from Meister Eckhart:
God does not work in all hearts alike but according to the preparation and sensitivity he finds in each!
God does not work in all hearts alike but according to the preparation and sensitivity he finds in each!
See you in church!
Blessings, Heidi+