This Sunday, the 1st of November, is All Saints’ Sunday, with a Festal Eucharist of Thanksgiving at 9 o’clock, at which we will offer our pledges to God. Our liturgy will begin with the solemn reading of the names of the departed. If you have names that you would like have read, please call or email the office by Friday noon. The service will be followed by a celebration breakfast hosted by the Stewardship Committee to which you are warmly invited!
Don’t miss our Annual Stewardship Celebration Breakfast following the service
on Sunday. And if you haven’t yet turned in your pledge card, please bring it
on Sunday so that it can be included in the total that will be announced at the
breakfast. Many thanks to each of you has already responded. We are
encouragingly close to our goal!
Daylight Savings Time ends Saturday
night, so …
REMEMBER to set clocks
back 1 hour. The effect of this is that the “new” 9
o’clock will actually feel like the
“old” 10 o’clock!
The readings for this Sunday are Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9, Psalm 24,
Revelation 21:1-6a, John 11:32-44.
The liturgy at which Bishop Michael Bruce Curry will be installed
as the next Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church will occur this coming Sunday at
noon, at Washington National Cathedral. Bishop Curry is the first
African-American to be elected Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. If you
would like to read more information on Bishop Curry please visit
No media streaming information for the
liturgy is available as of this date.

We hope you will join
us for the Saint Andrew's Harvest Supper and Pie Auction, to be held on Friday, November 20th: 6 o’clock for the meal, 7
o’clock for the pie auction. Tickets (adults
$10, children $4) will be available at the door. Plan to come and invite your
friends! We are hoping that many of you will provide your delicious baked pies
(pies that can be frozen for Thanksgiving feasts are especially welcome) to be
auctioned following the meal, beginning shortly after 7 o’clock.. We also need help delivering flyers. Please pick them up in the
Parish Hall. Note: Pies should be delivered on the day of the dinner/auction by
3 p.m. Please
contact Carol Tubman (651-8230) or Christine Mills (452-4049) with questions or
offers of help.

Great work on the ChIPs Project! Special
thanks go to the Bunker household for their clear communication of the need! We
brought in $463! Kathy and her team of young people will go shopping on
Saturday to purchase suitable gifts, then the gifts will be taken by our
Diocesan Convention Delegates to Convention next week. From that gathering point they will be
wrapped and distributed to incarcerated parents to give to their children at
their Annual Christmas Party.
Five of us from St. Andrew’s walked last Sunday, with about 25 others from area churches, in the Church World Service annual CROP Walk for World Hunger. Thank you to the many sponsors from St. Andrew’s who together contributed about $800 in support of our walkers – Gretchen, Sammie, Beverly, Grete, and Heidi. (David also raised money but was unable to walk.) We were blessed with a beautiful afternoon! A significant portion of the funds raised in the walk will be directed to the support of Dinner Bell and our Community Food Pantry.
Food for thought for All Saints’
God calls us to do God's work in all times and places. We have before us the examples of prophets and apostles, servants and martyrs, ordinary men and women who took their baptism seriously and let God's grace change their lives. The celebration of All Saints' is a celebration of our faith that we are counted in their number. —Donald S. Armentrout.
God calls us to do God's work in all times and places. We have before us the examples of prophets and apostles, servants and martyrs, ordinary men and women who took their baptism seriously and let God's grace change their lives. The celebration of All Saints' is a celebration of our faith that we are counted in their number. —Donald S. Armentrout.
I hope you will be with us we celebrate this powerful time
of continuing connection in Christ together.
See you in church!
See you in church!
Blessings, Heidi+