Here's Thursday MEMO ... with apologies for the many computer glitches that are making the formatting of this document awkward!
Services for this coming Sunday, the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost, will be at 8 and 10 AM. We hope you will join us for worship and fellowship. This is ChIPs Project contribution Sunday. (See last week’s MEMO for details on the ChIPs Project.) Special thanks to the Bunker children who have agreed to take initiative and will invite your contributions (in cash or by check made out to St. Andrew’s with ChIPs in the memo line) during coffee hour.
This is also CROP Walk Day.
If you’ve been wanting to sponsor one (or more) of our walkers, now’s the time!
Readings for this
Sunday: Job
42:1-6, 10-17, Psalm 34:1-8, 19-22, Hebrews 7:23-28, Mark 10:46-52.
Our fall pledges continue to grow with 34 pledges totaling $115,225.00 for support of this church for 2016 having been offered! Thank you to those of you who have pledged! The gourds are beginning to overflow from our altar cornucopia and 10 bottles of oil, symbols of pledges that have been offered as well! Is yours among them? We hope it will be soon. We have set a pledge goal of $140,000, so we are doing well … but we’re not there yet! There are additional pledge packets on the piano and in the Parish Hall.
Our fall pledges continue to grow with 34 pledges totaling $115,225.00 for support of this church for 2016 having been offered! Thank you to those of you who have pledged! The gourds are beginning to overflow from our altar cornucopia and 10 bottles of oil, symbols of pledges that have been offered as well! Is yours among them? We hope it will be soon. We have set a pledge goal of $140,000, so we are doing well … but we’re not there yet! There are additional pledge packets on the piano and in the Parish Hall.
Our ingathering
celebration is just over a week away, so please mark your calendars for All Saints’ Day (November 1) when the 9:00
service will be followed by the All-Parish Celebration Brunch.
you have names of people who have died whom you would like to have remembered on All Saints’ Day? Just jot them down.
There are slips on the bulletin tables which may be dropped off in the office,
placed the offering plate this Sunday, or emailed to Debra at
Is your desk drawer full
of unused greeting cards that, frankly, you probably will never send? They would be
happily received by the residents of the Women’s Prison in Goffstown. Look for
the basket on the table in front of the parish bulletin board, and bring in
your extras. Birthday, Christmas, other holidays, and blank cards and envelopes
are all welcome. Please have them to the church by November 1st so
that can be collected at Diocesan Convention.

This is what Christ calls us to do by his own word and example: to affirm the worth and dignity of every human being we come in contact with. Not to label others, not to dismiss them with a category and demean their humanity, but to call others by name as our God calls each of us by name. To value with compassion every other human being.
from Br. Robert L’Esperance SSJE