Don’t miss the pictures from the Animal Blessing at the end of this MEMO.

Our fall pledge season is now underway … and already 21 pledges for support of this church for 2016 are being offered! There is a growing number of gourds in our altar cornucopia and a 8 bottles of oil, symbols of pledges that have been offered as well! Is yours among them? We hope it will be soon.
There are additional pledge packets on the piano and in the Parish Hall.
Services for this coming Sunday, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, will be at 8 and 10 am, followed by coffee hour. We hope you will join us for worship and fellowship.
Readings: Job 23:1-9, 16-17, Psalm 22:1-15, Hebrews 4:12-16, Mark 10:17-31.

Thanks go to our hard-working set-up crew of Vic, Tom, Sally, Carol, Chris & Bob Mills, and Duane who heroically did their work in the drizzle of Friday.
TENDERS: We are counting on you. Please
allow sufficient time for traffic tangles and parking so that you arrive on
time. Also, come comfortably equipped for the weather. The rain is expected to
clear by Saturday, but the forecast is for temperatures in the 50s and 60s, so
hats, gloves, and a cozy jacket would be in order. If you have any questions
about your time or entrance procedures, please call Carol (651-8230).
Women’s Lunch
Bunch will meet this coming Wednesday at noon at the Mountain View
Restaurant in Center Ossipee. Call Dale (539-3761) if you need a ride or have questions.

The ChIP’s
(Children of Incarcerated Parents) Project, a program of the Episcopal Church in New
Hampshire, provides Christmas gifts for incarcerated parents to give to their
children. Each October we invite contributions of cash or gifts to this
hugely-needed and much-appreciated project. Stay tuned for more details next
Is your desk
drawer full of unused greeting cards that, frankly, you probably will never send?
They would be happily received by the residents of the Women’s Prison in
Goffstown. Look for the basket on the table in front of the parish bulletin
board, and bring in your extras. Birthday, Christmas, other holidays, and blank
cards and envelopes are all welcome, just be sure they have not been written

Duane and I had a delightful visit with our niece, her husband, and their 8-week old daughter, Nora.
Food for thought from David Vryhof, SSJE…
The poor are blessed, Jesus says, and theirs is the kingdom of heaven. We are likewise blessed, when the circumstances of life compel us to recognize our poverty and need and turn to put our whole trust in God.
See you in church, Blessings, Heidi+
Animal Blessing Picture Gallery

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Kaitlyn, Welcome back! We've missed you! |