THIS SUNDAY, October 22nd, The Twentieth Sunday
after Pentecost, there will be two
services at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
There is a service of Morning Prayer on Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m.
There will be a Taize service on Wednesday, November 1st at 5:30 p.m.
We hope you will join us for worship and
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Proper 24, Year A
Exodus 33:12-23
Psalm 99
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22
All Saints’ Sunday is November 5th.
Do you have names of people whom
you would like to have remembered on All Saints’ Day? Please fill out a form from the bulletin
table or email them to Debra at office@standrewsinthevalley.org by Thursday,
October 26th.
Brunch following the service.
First Evening Taize Service
As I mentioned in a
Thursday Memo several weeks ago, I have wanted to begin holding a once a month
evening service that might appeal not only to our own members, but also perhaps
to the wider community. These will be quiet services, featuring prayer, silence
and music. Val May and I have talked about this ever since she played for the
Maundy Thursday service last spring, and we are both excited to offer the first
service on Wednesday, November 1 at 5:30
pm. November 1 is All Saints' Day, when we remember all the saints of the
church, as well as those who have been saints in our lives. (We always
commemorate this day on the first Sunday after November 1, and will do so again
this year, on November 5.)
Our first Wednesday
evening service will follow the form of prayer services offered at the Taize
Community in France. It's a very simple, contemplative service, with scripture
readings, intercessory prayer and Taize chants, interspersed with silence. Val
will lead us in the chants with her harp and beautiful voice.
Please mark your
calendar and spread the word to your friends!
Bishop Hirschfeld will preach and preside at both 8:00 am and 10:00 am
services on October 29th. He looks forward to an informal Q & A following the 10 am service.
us reach our Goals!
Rector Search Fund
Goal ~ $ 20,000
30 pledges $ 8,449.00
2018 Stewardship
Goal ~$ (to be determined)
15 pledges $ 41,109.00
- ChIPs &
United Thank Offering -
It’s that time of year for giving!
Over the next two
Sundays we will collect gifts for ChIPs and United Thank Offering (UTO). Each October we invite contributions which will be taken to the Diocesan Convention on November
4th by the Delegates.
The CHiPs program (Children of Incarcerated
Persons) collects gifts and
monetary donations ($25 this year) to be given to the children of those who are
in prison. If you would like to purchase gifts, please click 2017
ChIP’s Gift Guidelines or find them in the bulletin, or on the parish hall
table on Sunday.
The first priority of The United Thank Offering is to encourage the spiritual
practice of gratitude and then to give grants from the abundant collection of
coins and bills given each year to our Blue Boxes. In 2017 the United Thank
Offering annual grant recipients, seminarian and young adult grant recipients
are working towards evangelism and reconciliation as a part of the Jesus
Movement. The United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church awarded 47 grants for
a total of $1,169,969.55 for the mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church
and the Anglican Communion. The 2017 grants were awarded to 34 Episcopal Church
Dioceses, 8 Companion Relationships, 4 International Dioceses/ Provinces and 1
to continue our tradition of supporting Episcopal Church missionaries.
For more information
click on this link: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/files/documents/uto_2017_grants_brochure.pdf
If you are giving by
check to St. Andrew’s, please mark in the memo line “ChIPs or UTO”. You may leave
your contributions in the office or drop them in the collection plate.
Thank you for your generosity to these very
important outreach programs.
A favorite event is coming soon!
Harvest Supper and Pie Auction
is scheduled for Friday, November 17th
with supper at 6 pm followed by the pie auction at 7. Volunteer help is always needed. And of course pies, those are definitely
Dinner Bell cook team for this Sunday October 22nd
Dinner Bell cook team for next Sunday October 29TH
Thank you for your volunteer
work in this special Outreach program!
The Parish
Profile is completed!
on “Parish Profile” button to read!
With joy at the completion of the Parish Profile,
the Search Committee now begins a new phase of its work: the receiving and
reading of applications from our prospective candidates. The applications,
vetted by the Bishop and The Rev. Canon Hannah Anderson, will be sent to us
from Diocesan House in Concord. After this, we will conduct Skype interviews
with each of the candidates. We think, with time given to prayerful reflection,
that this phase will occupy us through November. If so, we will start
scheduling visits to parishes in Advent.
We continue to be encouraged by your prayers: keep
them coming!
Lisa Thompson,
Search Committee
TIME-LINE for 2017
October-November: Begin
receiving names and applications of candidates.
Reading and reviewing applications.
Prayer for St. Andrew’s
during the search process.
Everliving and everloving Lord,
as we are in the midst of your challenging task to search for our new rector,
we pray that you continue to lead your parish to be in one mind and spirit
through the conclusion of this journey. May we be strong in the assurance
that you are guiding us and carrying us safely to calling the person you have
chosen to be our rector. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Search Committee
Pat Adams, Betsy Hess,
Tom Huckman, Cathie Lewis,
George Rau, Lisa Thompson.
The Food Pantry thanks you for your contributions throughout the year.
The monthly item
for October is Deoderant for men/women.
There is so much that is wrong
in our world today, and it's easy to think there is nothing we can do. But
there are two opportunities to reach out to others coming up, and I invite you
to give to one or both of them. Collections for both programs are due at St.
Andrew's by Wednesday, November 1st. Delegates will take your gifts to Diocesan
Convention on Saturday, November 4.
the Article “Chips and UTO” above.
THURSDAY, October 19th
Jeremiah 38:4 Then the officials said to the king,
“[Jeremiah] ought to be put to death, because he is discouraging the soldiers
who are left in this city, and all the people, by speaking such words to them.
For this man is not seeking the welfare of this people, but their harm.”
Nobody likes that guy
who goes around saying, “We’re gonna lose. You might as well give up now.” At
the siege of Jerusalem, Jeremiah was that guy. So, the prophet who once spoke
on behalf of the Lord is thrown into an empty cistern—to sink into the mud and
into the silent oblivion of death.
In my own life, it has
often been the stranger who ensures that I cannot compartmentalize God’s
challenging word away so that it remains unheard. The self-giving love of the
student who rearranges her life to raise funds for her disabled father’s
rehabilitation care shows me that I need to change the way I love and honor my
own family. The stranger sets God’s insistent and unyielding word of judgment
before us, so that we might turn away from idolatry and toward love.
MOVING FORWARD: Offer comfort to a person in your
community who may have recently either received bad news or been the bearer of
bad news.

and this from Betsy Hess:
The prison art program is looking for art to sell at
Diocesan convention. If you create art or have art you no longer need, please
contact Betsy Hess so she can take it to convention.
This program provides art lessons at all the prisons in NH.
For more information, contact Betsy at 915-0094 or betsyhess@gmail.com.
If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed, please make
sure Deb in the office has an information sheet on file for you.
5 Ray Walker
9 Joan Wright, Peter Thompson
11 Barbara Worcester, Rob Walty
20 Lois Brady
22 Sally DeGroot, John McGowan
27 Larry Grace
28 Dick Wakefield, Dwight Baldwin
8 Judy & Larry Grace
The Rev. Peg and Lee Custer's family