“Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”
And they left their nets at once and followed him.
THIS SUNDAY, January 21st, The Third
Sunday after Epiphany, there will be two services of Holy Eucharist at 8
a.m. and 10 a.m.
There is a service of Morning Prayer on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m.
We hope you will join us for worship and
Pictures from the Wednesday evening Celtic Prayer Service
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Third Sunday after Epiphany
Year B
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 62:6-14
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
Believe it or not, Lent is only a month away! Ash Wednesday
falls on February 14 this year (yes, Valentine’s Day) and Easter is on April 1
(yes, April Fool’s Day… oh well, this year we can all be Fools for Christ!). As
we approach Lent I’d like your help in deciding what sort of Lenten program to
offer this year. For the next two Sundays there will be very brief
questionnaires available for you to express your preferences.
The first
question is when, and the choices are:
morning between services (9:00 – 9:45)
morning after the late service (either 11:15 to 12:15 or 10:15 to 11:15)
· Tuesday
evening beginning with a light soup and salad supper at 6:00, followed by
discussion from 6:30-7:30. (We’ve done this on Wednesday evenings before, but
I’d like to leave Wednesdays open for evening services on Ash Wednesday and
Wednesday in Holy week and one Taize or Celtic evening service.)
The second
question is what, and the three program options are:
Becoming the Beloved Community. This is a
movement conceived by our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael Curry, that
focuses on healing and reconciliation of racial divisions. There are some
materials available from The Episcopal Church, and the fall clergy conference
also provided resources.
Meeting Jesus
in the Gospel of John, offered by the Brothers of the Society of St.
John the Evangelist in Cambridge, MA. This is similar to their previous
offerings, but with more of a focus on daily journaling. A series of video
meditations will be published each day during Lent. For more information go to www.meetingjesusinjohn.org. A copy
of the booklet is on the table in the parish hall.
A Journey with
Luke: The 50 Day Bible Challenge. This book is part of a series that
grew out of the original Bible Challenge, which covered the entire Bible in one
year. A Journey with Luke features fifty days of scripture, meditations
and prayer.
A short form
of this information will be available by the bulletins for the next two
Sundays. If you are interested in attending one of these offerings please
indicate your preference either by filling out one of the forms on Sunday or by
emailing me at interimsaitv@gmail.com.
Based on your feedback I’ll decide what we will do and when during Lent this
abundant blessings!
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Midge Pendergast's
Ordination picture
St. Andrew's in the Valley
will host a Contra Dance
January 20, 2018
Town House
pm to 10:00 pm
Looking for a few
snack contributions, particularly:
A small platter of
cheese and crackers
Veggies and dip/
A small plate of
A pitcher or two of
ice tea.
Please call Chris
Mills @ 452-4049 if you are able to help!
Thank you for your
generosity in advance!
The musical duo, String Equinox, comprised of
Beverly Woods and Shana Aisenberg, will provide the music and calling. The first half hour will be dedicated to a
brief overview of the basic steps of New England contra dance, and neither
experience nor a partner is required. Dances are a fun and energizing night out
for all ages and abilities, even if you simply prefer to cheer the dancers on
from the sidelines and enjoy the live music.
6-18 $5.00 (5 and under free)
refreshments will be available.
String Equinox
is comprised of Beverly Woods and Shana Aisenberg. Beverly sings and
plays hammered dulcimer, tsimbl, piano, organ and other keyboards, piano and
chromatic button accordions, 6- and 7-string guitars, autoharp, mandolin,
bouzouki, pennywhistle, hand percussion, fretted dulcimer, folk harp,
concertina, nyckelharpa, tenor banjo, and hurdy-gurdy. Beverly also calls
contra dances. Shana is an acoustic multi-instrumentalist, composing,
playing, recording and teaching diverse styles from traditional Appalachian,
Celtic and New England contradance music to eastern European Klezmer, Balkan,
Nordic, bottleneck blues and jazz.
Help us
reach our Goals!
Search Fund
Goal ~ $ 20,000
34 pledges $ 9,049.00
Stewardship Pledge
Goal~ $148,215.00
57 pledges $ 143,130.00
Note: End of year (2017) pledge statements have been
mailed. If you have any questions, please contact Deb in the office. Thank you for your continued support of this
parish. We
can’t do it without you!
Dinner Bell cook team for this Sunday January 21ST
Dinner Bell cook team for next Sunday January 28th
Thank you for your volunteer
work in this special Outreach program!
Search Committee
is preparing questions to use in the interview process. We will also be
conducting a practice interview on Skype with a clergy member chosen from this
diocese. This will give us feedback on the best way to present Saint Andrew's
to the candidates and a model for engaging in meaningful, focused, and
productive conversation. We expect to begin interviewing prospective candidates
in January, 2018. We pray for continuing openness to the work of the Holy
Spirit in our lives and in the lives of those walking toward us.
Thompson, Search Committee
Prayer for St. Andrew’s
during the search process.
Everliving and everloving Lord, as we
are in the midst of our challenging task to search for our new rector, we pray
that you continue to lead our parish to be in one mind and spirit through the
conclusion of this journey. May we be strong in the assurance that you are
guiding us and carrying us safely to calling the person you have chosen to be
our rector. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Search Committee
Pat Adams, Betsy Hess,
Tom Huckman, Cathie Lewis, George Rau, Lisa Thompson.
Click on “Parish
Profile” button to read!
The Food Pantry thanks you for your contributions throughout the year.
The monthly item
for January is shampoo/conditioner.
THURSDAY, January 18, 2018
Psalm 23:1 The Lord is
my shepherd; I shall not be in want.
When I was
thirteen, my grandmother challenged me. Memorize the 23rd Psalm,
she said, and I’ll buy you the newest Hardy Boys mystery. I
devoured every adventure of Frank and Joe Hardy that I could find, so the words
of the psalm were soon locked into place. I knew the words but not necessarily
the depth of their meaning.
The five words that
begin Psalm 23 are among the most widely known in the Bible. But the phrase is
almost too familiar and in danger of becoming a cliché.
“The Lord is my
shepherd” is written on a piece of paper and taped to a mirror in my study. But
I have added a word: “Today.” The Lord is my shepherd—today. In my Bible, I
have handwritten the word “today” after every verse of Psalm 23, underscoring
the power and immediacy of these promises.
young person in your life to memorize a Bible passage.
Annual Reports: If you have
not sent in your reports. I ABSOLUTELY
need them by Monday 22nd. Please get them in to me so that I may
expedite putting the report together. Thank you.
The office will be closed tomorrow, Friday 19th.
If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed, please make
sure Deb in the office has an information sheet on file for you.
3 Donna Jones
4 Ellie McLaughlin, Jen Huckman
6 Joyce Carter
9 Pat Adams
19 Ginger Heard, Jonathon Brady
25 Connor Bunker, Ann Cady
27 Carol Tubman
29 Denise Foreman
31 Al Rich