THIS SUNDAY, January 7th, The
First Sunday after Epiphany, there will be One Service only at 10:00 a.m.
There is a service of Morning Prayer on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday Evening Services:
v January 10th at 5:30 pm we will have an evening prayer service drawing on
the Celtic tradition. More on that to
We hope you will join us for worship and
Sunday, January 7, 2018
First Sunday after Epiphany
Isaiah 60:1-6
Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14
Ephesians 3:1-12
Matthew 2:1-12
As I write this the snow is falling and the wind is picking up, and I am warm and
cozy at home. There are many who are not: those who are homeless, those who are
out of work and having difficulty affording heating oil, those who can afford
it but have empty tanks and are still waiting for the delivery truck, those who
have lost power as this potent storm moves up the coast. We at St. Andrew's are
so very fortunate! Most of us have food and transportation, and money enough to
buy what we need. Even if we lose power or the delivery truck doesn't arrive in
time, we are resourceful, and we have friends and family, and our church
community we can turn to in an emergency. I am reminded of those who don't -
and pray they find the resources they need.

On a brighter note,
weren't our Christmas services wonderful?! Many thanks to all who made them
possible: the altar guild, Bunny and the choir, the Treble Makers for Lessons
and Carols, all the readers, acolytes, ushers, Eucharistic ministers. And a
special thank you to the Huckman's and all their assistants who hosted such a
delicious Christmas dinner feast (see Jen's report elsewhere).

May the new year
bring you God's abundant blessings!
Andrew's in the Valley
host a Contra Dance
January 20, 2018
Town House
pm to 10:00 pm
The musical duo, String Equinox, comprised of
Beverly Woods and Shana Aisenberg, will provide the music and calling. The first half hour will be dedicated to a
brief overview of the basic steps of New England contra dance, and neither
experience nor a partner is required. Dances are a fun and energizing night out
for all ages and abilities, even if you simply prefer to cheer the dancers on
from the sidelines and enjoy the live music.
Kids 6-18 $5.00 (5 and under free)
refreshments will be available.
String Equinox
is comprised of Beverly Woods and Shana Aisenberg. Beverly sings and
plays hammered dulcimer, tsimbl, piano, organ and other keyboards, piano and chromatic
button accordions, 6- and 7-string guitars, autoharp, mandolin, bouzouki,
pennywhistle, hand percussion, fretted dulcimer, folk harp, concertina,
nyckelharpa, tenor banjo, and hurdy-gurdy. Beverly also calls contra
dances. Shana is an acoustic multi-instrumentalist, composing, playing,
recording and teaching diverse styles from traditional Appalachian, Celtic and
New England contradance music to eastern European Klezmer, Balkan, Nordic,
bottleneck blues and jazz.
Hello All -
While the snow
storm impacted our attendance, the winter wonderland was beautiful, and our
Christmas Dinner Guests and Volunteers had a wonderful shared meal.
Many thanks to
Cathie Lewis and Pat Adams for their energy, assistance, and can-do spirit!
Many thanks to
Carol for her much anticipated trifle, and to Bev for her delicious appetizers,
and to the Rau's for the yummy pies.
New volunteers,
Dr. Jim Pacheco and his friend Deborah from Windsock were so helpful and saw
efforts thru the entire clean up.
Ann Albrecht's
assistance and kind spirit and hard work thru the clean up are so appreciated.
Support from local businesses -- Jake's Restaurant, Hobbs, Yankee
Smokehouse, Watsons and Rosie's – was so helpful with equipment, ice,
supplies and food donations.
Foods that were left to distribute!
Future Dinner
Bells: There are carefully packaged proteins -- ham, turkey, as well as
potatoes - enough for several dinner bells in the freezer along with several
apple pies.
For Easter 2018:
One donated ham, and one uncooked roast beef are in a deep freeze.
Perishables: Foods that would not last until
next Sunday were utilized in some of our delivered meals to parish shut ins and
to-go meals on Christmas, and then the remainder was glee-fully enjoyed by King
Pine's ski school instructors today. I like to think that they
spread the joy of spending time outdoors in God's Creation :)
Thank you all so very much!
Jen & Tom
Help us
reach our Goals!
Search Fund
Goal ~ $ 20,000
34 pledges $ 9,049.00
Stewardship Pledge
Goal~ $148,215.00
57 pledges $ 143,130.00
Dinner Bell cook team for this Sunday January 7th
Dinner Bell cook team for next Sunday January 14th
Thank you for your volunteer
work in this special Outreach program!
The Search Committee is preparing questions to use
in the interview process. We will also be conducting a practice interview on Skype
with a clergy member chosen from this diocese. This will give us feedback on
the best way to present Saint Andrew's to the candidates and a model for
engaging in meaningful, focused, and productive conversation. We expect to
begin interviewing prospective candidates in January, 2018. We pray for
continuing openness to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the
lives of those walking toward us.
Lisa Thompson,
Search Committee
Prayer for St. Andrew’s
during the search process.
Everliving and everloving Lord,
as we are in the midst of our challenging task to search for our new rector, we
pray that you continue to lead our parish to be in one mind and spirit through
the conclusion of this journey. May we be strong in the assurance that
you are guiding us and carrying us safely to calling the person you have chosen
to be our rector. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Search Committee
Pat Adams, Betsy Hess,
Tom Huckman, Cathie Lewis, George Rau, Lisa Thompson.
Click on “Parish
Profile” button to read!
The Food Pantry thanks you for your contributions throughout the year.
The monthly item
for December is dish detergent.
THURSDAY, January 4, 2018
John 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the
light of the world.
Is there room on the
National Mall in Washington, D.C., for one more monument? Let’s build a
National Light of Reconciliation—a beacon of light visible from everywhere in
the capital. A light to blaze a trail through the darkness that divides us when
we close our eyes to the humanity we all share.
Let us surround the
light with statues of people of all ages, holding hands and representing all of
America’s racial and cultural diversity. A round monument with no walls, it
will be open to every point on the compass. We will start a relay of
reconciling lights around the world, shining from one person to another.
Before Jesus left this
world, he told us we were the light of the world. What a revolutionary
revelation—a power the human race has yet to harness. Let us stand together as
children of God, shining the light of reconciliation brightly so that even
those who shut their eyes will see.
MOVING FORWARD: Light a candle during your prayer time.
hope everyone had wonderful holidays!
Now it’s time to get down to end of year work!
be working on your Annual Reports.
They are due on or before January 15th. A reminder that you may request a copy of
last year’s report if you need it.
you for your timely responses.
If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed, please make
sure Deb in the office has an information sheet on file for you.
3 Donna Jones
4 Ellie McLaughlin, Jen Huckman
6 Joyce Carter
9 Pat Adams
19 Ginger Heard, Jonathon Brady
25 Connor Bunker, Ann Cady
27 Carol Tubman
29 Denise Foreman
31 Al Rich