THIS SUNDAY, August 11th, the 9th Sunday after Pentecost, there will be two services of at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday, August 11th
Pentecost 9, Proper 14
Pentecost 9, Proper 14
St. Andrew’s turns 92!
Thank you to all who contributed to our potluck coffee hour on Sunday! As always we had an abundance of delicious food. Special thanks to Gretchen Behr-Svendsen, who stepped up to the task of setting up the Parish Hall, and to Gretchen and Dale Appleton for staying to clean up.
From Caroline’s homily on our 92nd
As we’ve approached this day, the 92nd
anniversary of the consecration of this church, I’ve enjoyed reading through
the various items in our archives. This little booklet has the most complete
story of our beginnings. The author is noted only as MTG.

For many years St. Andrew’s was served
by visiting minsters and in its early years was entirely lay led in winter when
roads were difficult to travel. It wasn’t until 1946 that the Rev. Dr. Herbert
who had retired to Tamworth began what
he called an official and voluntary relationship with St. Andrew’s. He served here until 1957 and was instrumental
in forming the Tamworth Associated Churches before retiring from St. Andrew’s. The Congregational Church in Tamworth and the
Baptist Community Church in Chocorua were both without a minister at the time,
and his proposal led to calling the Rev. George Wickersham, otherwise known as
“Wick” – to serve the three churches.
After Miss Gregg wrote this booklet in
1964, two short additions have been made, one in 1974 and the second in 1977,
recording the fact that the Tamworth Associated Churches was disbanded in 1973
and that the Rev. Donald P. Goodheart, the first full time vicar of St.
Andrew’s was called in 1976. It was while he was Vicar that the Parish Hall was
built, and in 1980, only months before he left to answer a new call, St.
Andrew’s was granted parish status by Diocesan Convention.
The next update to our history was
provided by the Rev. Peg Custer, who summarized our history in the 2002
directory printed for our 75th anniversary. She provided a list of clergy who
had served St. Andrew’s though her time, and spoke to the many ministries of
St. Andrew’s.
Out of all of this, one of my favorite
stories in our history is how we came to have the round candelabras hanging
from the ceiling. I know that many of you know the story, but I’ll retell it
for those who don’t:
It was in the very early days,
probably in 1927. Bishop Parker, who was bishop during the time St. Andrew’s
was coming to be, had died, and the new bishop was the Rt. Rev. John Thomas
Dallas. Bishop Dallas set out to visit every church in the diocese, and wrote
saying he would be coming to St. Andrew’s “next Thursday evening”.
“Evening?” Miss Gregg writes in our
little history booklet. “We were paralyzed. There were no lights in our
unfinished building and electric power had not yet reached Whittier Road.
Lamps? Yes, but how many and where to put them?
Miss Kitty Thompson in Cambridge rose
to the occasion. She wrote Miss Gregg to have the South Tamworth Industries
Mill make three large, flat wooden circles, ‘doughnuts’ as it were, and she
would bring the small tin candle holders and borrow or buy four tall black iron
candelabra and four brass wall sconces. Lewis Garland found enough chains to
suspend the ‘doughnuts’ from the ceiling beams and brought the Thompsons and
all the hardware up from Boston.
They arrived at the church by three
o’clock on the fateful Thursday and in two hours it was ready for the bishop. When
he came, about 7:30, to the main door and stepped into the candlelit interior,
he stood amazed. The soft but sufficient light made the interior truly lovely.
The wainscot was finished. The folks were gathered, and Mr. Cowper, in his
vestments, came to greet him.”
Isn’t that a great story? Imagine our
early days, when the winters were so much more severe, people mostly didn’t
travel any distance in winter, and there was no electricity in rural areas.
Miss Gregg writes about driving a horse and buggy in the summer and switching
over to a sleigh when the snow came in the fall.
Our world has changed immensely in the
past 92 years, and so has St. Andrew’s. But here we are, still worshipping in
this beautiful little church, and still lighting those candles on Christmas Eve.
May St. Andrew’s prosper for the next 92 years, and beyond!
I will be on vacation Tuesday August 6 – Monday, August 19.
Mark your calendar !
Friday, August 23rd at 6pm
The Menu: Caesar Salad, Steamers, Lobster, Steak, Corn-on-the-Cob, Scalloped Potatoes, Blueberry Buckle with Ice Cream and You may bring your own Beer or Wine.
Adults $30
Hot dog meal- $10
Call 603-651-1744 for reservations
Hot dog meal- $10
Call 603-651-1744 for reservations
St Andrew’s-in-the-Valley
Episcopal Church, Tamworth
678 Whittier Road
David Manley will be collecting donations again this year for the Pack A Pack campaign. This is a great project of WMUR & Service Credit Union to collect Backpacks for school children that include needed school supplies. People can choose to sponsor a Backpack or two if they can or any amount they are able to donate. Each backpack including supplies cost about $15.00. Last year we provided 30 and this year I would like to provide between 50 - 100.
Come join us! Knitting skills not required.
1st and 3rd Wednesday morning at 10:15 a.m.
If you knit or crochet (or would like to learn how to) and are led to engaging in an outreach mission that provides physical and spiritual comfort to those in need, please join us on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 10:15 AM in the Prince Room. We are a joyous group that will keep you in stitches! The coffee and tea will be on and new members are always welcome. If you have any questions, please call Lin Frank at 323-0402.
Several of us
parishioners are performing next week in the operetta called "Elderville".
Performances are at 7:30p on August 8,9, and 10 at the Sandwich, NH Town
Hall. All are welcome at the full dress rehearsal Tuesday August 6 at
is the story of two young folk who happen upon a village in
the inhabitants will live forever at age 82 years. Anyone staying
the village will soon become 82. The couple must decide whether or not
remain, but they can only leave if they solve a magic riddle!
The musical
numbers are borrowed from several Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, with original
words by Ellen Farnum who also wrote the script. The music is, of course,
marvellous, and Ellen's lyrics and script are clever and funny!
Tickets are
'by donation' but reservations are required. They are going fast!
Hope to see
you there! David Gartrell
for August are:
11th - Wakefield
25th - Lewis
25th - Lewis
Thank you for your volunteer
work in this special Outreach program!
The Parish Office will be closed Friday, August 9th.
THURSDAY, August 8, 2019

2 Samuel 11:27 When the
mourning was over, David sent and brought [Bathsheba] to his house, and she
became his wife, and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done
displeased the Lord.
The last sentence
in today’s framing verse is one of the great biblical understatements of all
time. David has perpetrated a complicated, power-abusing plot upon Bathsheba
and her husband Uriah—because he desired Bathsheba. The greatest king in the
history of Israel, chosen as a child, dearly beloved of God, is willing to
break several of God’s commandments in one fell swoop. David’s command to have
Uriah murdered and his coercive intercourse with Bathsheba are not momentary
lapses in judgment—this is David’s long game.
God knows what
utter savagery David is capable of committing—the same kinds you and I are
capable of—and loves us anyway. This boggles the mind. Thanks be to God.
have the capacity for deep love and deep awfulness. How do you reconcile these
things about yourself and those you love?
If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed, please make sure Deb in the office has an information sheet on file for you.
1 Stephen Hird
6 Kathy Bunker
8 Marty Cloran, Elizabeth Wiesner
8 Marty Cloran, Elizabeth Wiesner
15 Bernice Thompson
16 Susan Luz
28 Grete Plender
30 Patti Rau
16 Susan Luz
28 Grete Plender
30 Patti Rau
15 Dale and David Appleton
25 Dwight & Barbara Baldwin
27 Sammie & Dick Wakefield, Bruce & Claudia Kennedy