May 14, 2020


Thank you all for continuing to come to church every Sunday! As is the case in many of the churches across the diocese, our attendance is higher than usual at this time of year. I’m sure there are a lot of reasons for this:

·         You can come to church even if you’re out of town
·         You can sleep in, have breakfast and go to church without leaving home
·         You only have to get dressed from the waist up
·         You can visit a new church without having to meet a lot of new people

What else do you like about online church? I’d love to hear!

If someone had told me a couple of months ago that I would find church via Zoom or Facebook meaningful and enriching, I would have thought they were nuts! But here we are, gathering every Sunday and looking forward to the next Sunday service. Getting to see all of you, even though it’s on a computer screen, is wonderful! Hearing different voices reading, singing, praying – it’s not the same as being together at St. Andrew’s, and yet it is working. God is present. We are present. And it is good.

As we continue to stay at home, I wonder if you would like to have a mid-week gathering? Last week I said I would prepare some poll questions about the form of our worship as we move forward. Would you prefer to do this after church or at another time? I’d love to hear if you have any interest in this possibility. There are gatherings during the week that allow us to connect (Compline, Morning Prayer and Book Group), but there usually isn’t more than 10-15 minutes of social time, and generally no more than 12 people present. So I offer that as a possibility, and will have poll questions prepared for Sunday to find out if there’s interest, and if so, the best time to do this. If you can’t be in church on Sunday, please let me know what you think about this via email.

Enjoy this gorgeous day!


via Zoom (see email for Zoom information) 
or Facebook at



Sunday, May 17th
The Sixth Sunday 
of Easter
Year A

O God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as surpass our understanding: Pour into our hearts such love towards you, that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Acts 17:22-31
Psalm 66:7-18
1 Peter 3:13-22
John 14:15-21

Click below to see the readings: 


Thank you for continuing to honor your pledges during this time. While we cannot gather in the church, our usual practices for counting, recording and depositing your pledge payments continue. You may mail your checks to the office or set up a direct payment through the bill pay feature of your bank. Our expenses continue as usual, even though we are not able to gather in person.


Join our Book Group 

on Wednesdays at 12:30 during the Easter Season

The Gospel Of Matthew 

We will join the Good Book Club for a study of the Gospel of Matthew. 
Daily readings began on Easter Sunday 
and continue through the Day of Pentecost, May 31.  
For the daily reading schedule go to  

For more information and to sign up for weekly emails go to

Contact Caroline at for the Zoom link for our weekly meetings.


Each of these weekday services will be live streamed on Facebook and available on Zoom.
Please email Caroline for the Zoom link

Monday-Thursday at 8:30 p.m.

Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m.

WE HOPE YOU WILL Continue to JOIN US FOR WORSHIP and FELLOWSHIP in our online presence.

OUTSIDE CHURCH - Walking the Labyrinth

There are as many ways to walk a labyrinth as there are people to walk it. Your walks will vary each time you enter the path: each experience is simply your experience; each walk your walk.
One day, you might enter with rage: What were you thinking, God?! Why is this coming into my life now? Another day, with gratitude: Thank you, God, for my grandchildren who, even via Zoom, bring me strength. Or with personal concerns: I am so confused, Lord. Guide me in how to be in this new relationship.

That said, to approach the labyrinth with a willingness to let go of control frees us to walk the path with no expectation(s) about what our experience will be like. This freedom allows our walk to be what it is, without our interfering story of what the walk could-should-might-will do for us. Walking the labyrinth is not a one-time transaction between us and God: it is a letting go so that we can be in a continuing relationship with God, ourselves, and the world around us.

THRESHOLD: the entrance. Walking the labyrinth is a helpful spiritual tool to quiet the mind, open the heart, and bring new clarity. Standing at the entrance, take a moment to calm and center yourself. Several ways to help focus your intention are: breath, a prayer, a question, a simple word or phrase: Here I am, Lord…Thank you, God…To what are you calling me today, Lord?...You are my joy, O God. If your first intention changes during your walk, let it do so. 
JOURNEY: the path. When you are ready, enter the labyrinth, find your own pace and follow the path.  A slower pace will allow you to walk without being concerned about each step: the path itself will lead you. Are you letting go, allowing your intention to carry you deeper into new awareness, toward your center, toward God?

RESTING PLACE: the center.  There are many ways to describe what you may find at the center: peace, joy, loss, completion, judgment, boredom, fulfillment, confession, strength love; God…the Universal Christ...Divine Wisdom. Stop. Rest. Listen. Be in the moment.   

JOURNEY OUT: the return. You will know when it is time to begin your journey out, to return. How does it feel? Do you feel differently than when you were walking in? What, if anything, has changed? Once at the entrance, turning again to face the center, you may want to complete your walk with a final slow breath, prayer, intention, thanksgiving.  Go in Peace.

“Don’t worry if nothing happens or no new insight is gained – sometimes the walk itself is a sufficient and heartening grace.” 1

(1)     With gratitude to the Labyrinth Guild of New England for permission to quote from their “Experience the Labyrinth Walk”.  Their website has several videos, but doesn’t seem to have been updated recently.
(2)     Photo credit: The Labyrinth at Saint Andrew’s, Tamworth NH: by Lisa Thompson, Sunday evening, 5/10/20.
(3)     The labyrinth brochure is being updated. It will be available to you from a mailbox attached to the nearby tool shed.   

Lisa Thompson (TM 5-14-20)


The Office is closed, but Deb continues to respond to email, phone messages and fulfill her other responsibilities.
If you need access to the building, please call the office first to see if the building will be open.
Please contact Caroline during regular "office" hours.  I am available 9:00 – 5:00 Sunday – Thursday via email ( or cell phone (603-553-9254). Please limit your calls to me to these times, except in the case of a true emergency. Of course you may also email me at any time, but I will answer email during my regular hours. Many thanks! 

If you are sick PLEASE let Caroline know!


One thing we can always do while we stay at home is to pray for each other! We would like to keep our prayer list up to date and publish it each week in the Thursday Memo. Please email Deb at with any updates.

This Week We Pray for

Health and Wholeness for: Dave Appleton, Hettie Buck, Courtney and her baby, Christian, Tiffany, Kyren, Dorothy O'Donnell, Lisa Lemire, Donn Carty, Bob & Sue Huckman, Kenneth LaForge, Jennifer M, David Manley, Robin Martelle, John McGowan, Gabriele Wallace, Carolyn Jarvis, Tamara, Milan McNall, Jerry Williams, Marilyn Cloran, Joan Marshall, Rick, John, Carolyn Boldt, the Huckman family, as they grieve the death of Tom's uncle, Norm.

For those who are homebound: Joyce Gendron, Marge Hagerup, Elizabeth Pease, Susannah Keith, Alida, Dylan, Brian & Sara Kelley, Bob Wallace, Carl Mamigonian, Elizabeth Wiesner, Judy Grace, Audrey Berry.

For our First Nation people and those in this country who are living in impoverished areas of the Ninth Ward of New Orleans and the inner city areas populated by some of our poorest citizens.

For all those who are on the front lines serving communities during these difficult times.


No DINNER BELL until further notice.

Thank you for your volunteer
work in this special Outreach program!


If you are up for Safe Church Renewal
you must do your renewal modules on Armatus
then sign up for meetings online.

The next Safe Church Zoom calls are scheduled for

May 18, 2020: 10:00 am
June 10, 2020 - 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Click on one of the dates to register.

If you have questions, please contact Safe Church Minister, Marty Cloran.


We cannot meet at this time, but KNIT ON!

If you have any questions, please call Lin Frank at 323-0402.


Let Evening Come
Let the light of late afternoon
shine through chinks in the barn, moving
up the bales as the sun moves down.

Let the cricket take up chafing 
as a woman takes up her needles 
and her yarn. Let evening come.

Let dew collect on the hoe abandoned
in long grass. Let the stars appear
and the moon disclose her silver horn.

Let the fox go back to its sandy den.
Let the wind die down. Let the shed
go black inside. Let evening come.

To the bottle in the ditch, to the scoop
in the oats, to air in the lung
let evening come.

Let it come, as it will, and don’t
be afraid. God does not leave us
comfortless, so let evening come.

                                      ~ Jane Kenyon.

The Food Pantry thanks you for your contributions throughout the year.

Food pantry continues to serve the communities needs
New Hours
Alternating Wednesdays
3-7 pm
May 27
Any questions call 603-960-4067



If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed, please make sure Deb in the office has an information sheet on file for you.

1   John Marshall
7   Elaine South
15  Kitty Lou Booty
15  Betty Faella
17  Kit Morgan
18  Tim Huckman
20  Tom Forbes
28  Bob Luz
28  David Gatrell

13  Tom & Jen Huckman
20  Jonathan & Lois Brady
26  Grete & George Plender
28  Bruce & Denise Foreman
30  Bob & Gabriele Wallace

PHOTO GALLERY- Breathing "Outside"

photos and I will post each week!
send to

Now that the weather is getting better and we are finding time outside
please share your pictures of what you are doing...
Getting your gardens ready? Going for a hike?
Planting flowers? Taking in a picnic? Wildlife encounters?

Pictures  from Great Hill Road (Caroline)
George & Grete's rooster

Trillium on the bank in front of Caroline's house