(See link to the Annual Report below in "From the office")
Preparations for our Annual Meeting on February 7 are nearly
complete. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for getting their
reports in, and Deb who has compiled the final copy of the Annual Report. Printed
copies will be available for anyone who would like to pick one up at the office,
but can also be downloaded (see link elsewhere in today’s Thursday Memo). If
you would like to pick up a printed copy, please contact Deb at 603-553-9254 or
If you would like a printed copy but cannot pick it up please contact Caroline
The Annual Meeting is the one time a year that we all gather
to look over the previous year, hear where our finances and ministries stand,
acknowledge highlights and elect representatives to our Vestry and Diocesan
Convention. Ours is a representative form of governing, and those you elect
will handle the month-to-month business of the parish, and represent us at the
Diocese Convention and Lakes Region Convocation.
Please plan to attend, vote and learn more about the
business and ministries of St. Andrew’s.
All members in good standing who are at least 16 years old are eligible
to vote.
The parish bylaws define voting member qualifications as: Every
adult member of the congregation who has been faithful in corporate worship,
unless for good cause prevented, and who has for the past six (6) months
regularly contributed to the support of the congregation, whether personally or
as family member, shall have the right to vote.
If you’re not sure if you are a voting member of St.
Andrew’s please contact me and I will let you know. There is a simple form you
may fill out to request membership before the Annual Meeting.
Please join us on February 7! And remember to review the
proposed Bylaws sent earlier this week.
The 1st Sunday of the month at 9:00 AM
The remaining Sundays at 10:00 AM
This Sunday-January 31
at 10:00 a.m.
The Fourth Sunday after The Epiphany
via Zoom (email for Zoom information) or Facebook at

Almighty and everlasting God, you
govern all things both in heaven and on earth: Mercifully hear the
supplications of your people, and in our time grant us your peace; through
Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Almighty and everlasting God, you
govern all things both in heaven and on earth: Mercifully hear the
supplications of your people, and in our time grant us your peace; through
Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
First Lesson Deuteronomy 18:15-20
In our opening reading Moses promises the
people that, after his death, God will raise up another prophet for them. The people cannot face God directly but need
an intermediary to speak God’s words. To
him they must listen, for the false prophet who presumes to speak in the Lord’s
name will die. In later centuries this
oracle was interpreted to mean that God would raise up one final prophet to
succeed Moses. Some early Christians
believed Jesus to be this new Moses.
Psalm 111
A song of
praise to the mighty and awesome Lord, who is steadfast and full of compassion.
In our opening reading Moses promises the
people that, after his death, God will raise up another prophet for them. The people cannot face God directly but need
an intermediary to speak God’s words. To
him they must listen, for the false prophet who presumes to speak in the Lord’s
name will die. In later centuries this
oracle was interpreted to mean that God would raise up one final prophet to
succeed Moses. Some early Christians
believed Jesus to be this new Moses.
Psalm 111
A song of
praise to the mighty and awesome Lord, who is steadfast and full of compassion.
The Second Lesson 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
In this lesson Paul gives counsel to the Corinthians who are unsure
whether it is permissible to eat the meat of animals that have been sacrificed
in pagan temples. Since there is only
one true God, such sacrifices are really meaningless, and the meat can be eaten
in good conscience. Yet this understanding
of the issue must not be treated as superior knowledge with respect to those
whose consciences are still troubled.
Out of love it is better for those who believe themselves enlightened to
avoid eating such meat than to encourage weaker members to do what they regard
as sinful and so perhaps to be led back into paganism.
The Gospel Mark 1:21-28
In this lesson Paul gives counsel to the Corinthians who are unsure
whether it is permissible to eat the meat of animals that have been sacrificed
in pagan temples. Since there is only
one true God, such sacrifices are really meaningless, and the meat can be eaten
in good conscience. Yet this understanding
of the issue must not be treated as superior knowledge with respect to those
whose consciences are still troubled.
Out of love it is better for those who believe themselves enlightened to
avoid eating such meat than to encourage weaker members to do what they regard
as sinful and so perhaps to be led back into paganism.
The Gospel Mark 1:21-28
In our gospel Jesus both teaches and acts with authority. His teaching was more than interpretation of
the law. It was a proclamation of the
new possibilities of God’s kingdom. He
backed his words with his actions.
Unclean spirits recognized him and submitted to his power to deliver a
man from his disorder.
In our gospel Jesus both teaches and acts with authority. His teaching was more than interpretation of
the law. It was a proclamation of the
new possibilities of God’s kingdom. He
backed his words with his actions.
Unclean spirits recognized him and submitted to his power to deliver a
man from his disorder.
Click below to see the readings:
For our First Nation people and those in this country who are living in impoverished areas of the Ninth Ward of New Orleans and the inner city areas populated by some of our poorest citizens.
For all those who are on the front lines serving communities during these difficult times.
Updating the Prayer List
Please let Deb know if you want to put someone back on the prayer list going forward. Thank you for helping us keep our prayer list up to date.
YOU will learn first-hand of our Episcopal Church’s work-in-progress all across New Hampshire
YOU will share ideas for new and vital ministries with other parishes in the Lakes region
YOU will meet with Bishop Rob for conversation and inspiration
YOU will engage in reviewing the Diocesan budget and Resolutions for Convention
YOU will represent Saint Andrew’s as a Delegate to our Diocesan Convention in November
YOU will make new connections and friendships in parishes across the Diocese
If you like meeting new people, sharing your story and your faith with others, lively discussion about scripture and other authors, praying together, all from the comfort of your living room, EFM may be for you! If you need more information, Jen, Carol, Sammie, or Pat would be happy to answer any questions.
In the silence of our hearts we listen for wisdom, O God,
that we may learn again that we are born of you
and that all people are bearers of your everlasting image.
In the silence of our hearts we listen
that we may know once more that the earth and all its
are sacred and that within us and among us is your wisdom
and your delight.
From Celtic
Treasure: Daily Scriptures and Prayer, J. Philip Newell