The news on the COVID front gives up hope that we will see the virus controlled sometime this year. How wonderful it will be when we are finally able to gather together in our beloved church for face-to-face worship!
The news from the Capitol yesterday continues to unfold, and we can only watch and hope and pray.
To that end, here is a link to Presiding Bishop Curry’s Call to Prayer for the Nation:
The Episcopal Church | Welcomes You
from the Book of Common Prayer:
O God, the fountain of wisdom, whose will is good and gracious, and whose law is truth: We beseech you so to guide and bless our Senators and Representatives in Congress assembled, that they may be kept safe, seek an end to the divisions in our land, and enact such laws as shall please you, to the glory of your Name and the welfare of this people; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
For those who Influence Public Opinion, p. 827
Almighty God, you proclaim your truth in every age by many voices: Direct, in our time, we pray, those who speak where many listen and write what many read; that they may do their part in making the heart of this people wise, its mind sound, and
its will righteous; to the honor of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
And a prayer I saw on Facebook:
Come to our help, merciful God, for we are in need. Our spirits are weighed down with worry; our bodies feel as fragile as the dust from which we came. All that we have trusted seems hidden from sight. Although this moment has come upon our nation, you have not forgotten us. We do not trust in our own power or strength, but in your steadfast love in every generation. Show us your face in this time of trial, remind us of your faithfulness, and save us for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
-All Creation Sings, p. 49, "A prayer for a time of civic distress"
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READINGS FOR SUNDAY The First Sunday after Epiphany
Father in heaven, who at the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan proclaimed him your beloved Son and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: Grant that all who are baptized into his Name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Savior; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
First Lesson Genesis 1:1-5
In our opening lesson we read the beginning of the story of creation. God sweeps like a wind over the chaos and formless void and begins to establish order, bringing forth light and separating that light from darkness. This light precedes the creation of the sun, moon and stars and may be perceived as an initial revelation of God’s character as this first step in creation is declared good.
Psalm 29
The majesty of God is described in the likeness of a thunderstorm: the Lord is mighty over land and sea.
The Second Lesson Acts 19:1-7
In our second reading the apostle Paul continues to travel through Asia Minor carrying the good news of Jesus to Jew and Gentile alike. In Ephesus he encounters a group of believers who had received only John’s baptism of repentance. Paul baptizes them in the name of Jesus. He then lays his hands upon them and they are filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues and prophesying as had others among those who first came to faith. The number of believers was twelve, which could reflect a connection with the original twelve disciples, the twelve tribes of Israel, and the ongoing power of the Spirit of God evident in Paul’s ministry.
The Gospel Mark 1:4-11
Our gospel is the story of the ministry of John the Baptist, and of Jesus’ baptism. John tells of the mightier one to come whose baptism will be with the Holy Spirit. Jesus is then baptized and the Spirit is manifest. A voice from heaven speaks to Jesus in words that echo ancient oracles concerning the king and the calling of the Lord’s chosen servant.
Click below to see the readings:

For our First Nation people and those in this country who are living in impoverished areas of the Ninth Ward of New Orleans and the inner city areas populated by some of our poorest citizens.
For all those who are on the front lines serving communities during these difficult times.
Updating the Prayer List
Please let Deb know if you want to put someone back on the prayer list going forward. Thank you for helping us keep our prayer list up to date.
If you like meeting new people, sharing your story and your faith with others, lively discussion about scripture and other authors, praying together, all from the comfort of your living room, EFM may be for you! If you need more information, Jen, Carol, Sammie, or Pat would be happy to answer any questions.
~ Alfred
Lord Tennyson
out, wild bells, to the wild sky,