is with mixed feelings that I announce the hiring of a new Parish
Administrator. Mixed feelings because this means that Deb’s time with us is
short now, and I will really miss her. I’ll miss the excellent working
relationship we have, and the easy personal relationship. I’ll miss the fact
that she can do this job with her eyes closed, and is so accurate and effective
in her work. I’ll miss the fact that she holds so much of the last 15 years of
St. Andrew’s history in her head, and I’ll miss her sense of humor. She is
impossible to replace!
I’m also excited about the person we have hired. She has extensive computer experience
and experience as an office manager and bookkeeper. These are the three primary
skill areas we need, and I am confident she will be able to handle the
responsibilities that come with the position. Her name is Carrieanne Haight,
and she will begin work on February 14. Her hours will be 1:00 - 5:00 Monday -
Thursday afternoons. Deb’s last day will be February 24. She has graciously
agreed to stay on to train our new Parish Administrator.
join me in thanking Deb for her 15 years of ministry at St. Andrew’s and
wishing her well as she leaves us, and in welcoming Carrieanne as our new
Parish Administrator.
Blessings, CarolineING
is with mixed feelings that I announce the hiring of a new Parish
Administrator. Mixed feelings because this means that Deb’s time with us is
short now, and I will really miss her. I’ll miss the excellent working
relationship we have, and the easy personal relationship. I’ll miss the fact
that she can do this job with her eyes closed, and is so accurate and effective
in her work. I’ll miss the fact that she holds so much of the last 15 years of
St. Andrew’s history in her head, and I’ll miss her sense of humor. She is
impossible to replace!
But I’m also excited about the person we have hired. She has extensive computer experience and experience as an office manager and bookkeeper. These are the three primary skill areas we need, and I am confident she will be able to handle the responsibilities that come with the position. Her name is Carrieanne Haight, and she will begin work on February 14. Her hours will be 1:00 - 5:00 Monday - Thursday afternoons. Deb’s last day will be February 24. She has graciously agreed to stay on to train our new Parish Administrator.
Please join me in thanking Deb for her 15 years of ministry at St. Andrew’s and wishing her well as she leaves us, and in welcoming Carrieanne as our new Parish Administrator.
Blessings, CarolineING
via Zoom (email for Zoom information)
or Facebook at
A VIRTUAL Annual Meeting
The Collect
Set us free, O God, from the bondage of
our sins, and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made
known to us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Lesson Isaiah 6:1-13
Our first reading is Isaiah’s
vision of the Lord and his prophetic commission. The earthly temple becomes an icon for the
temple in heaven. Isaiah is purged of
his guilt and sin and responds to the Lord’s call.
The church hears in the
thrice-holy song of the seraphim an anticipation of its praise of God as
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Once the new prophet has been made ready for his
task, he is given his first word for the people, an ominous warning of
Psalm 138
A hymn of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord on
high, who has saved God’s servant and cares for the lowly.
The Second
Lesson 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
reminds the Corinthians of his basic proclamation concerning the Lord’s
resurrection. All these things happened
according to the scriptures. Beginning with a manifestation to Cephas, Paul recounts six appearances of the risen
Lord to his followers. The last, which
must have taken place several years after the others, gave this former
persecutor of the church his commission as an apostle.
The Gospel Luke 5:1-11
Our gospel is the story of the calling of Simon Peter, together with the brothers James and John, to be disciples of Jesus. This happens by the Lake of Gennesaret or Galilee. Jesus amazes Peter by showing him where he can catch a great haul of fish. Peter pours out his feelings of unworthiness, but from now on, Jesus tells him, he will be catching people.
FEBRUARY 6, 2022
Learn more from the Rev. Kate Harmon Siberine, Missioner at the Episcopal Mission of Franklin by clicking here.
Parish: Kelly Antonelli, Audrey Berry, Carolyn Boldt, Marty Cloran, Judy Grace, Bev Hammond, Sue Huckman, Joan Marshall, John McGowan, Elizabeth Pease, Grete Plender, Becky Riley, Steve Thompson, Carol Tubman, Gabriele & Bob Wallace.
For those celebrating anniversaries: Valerie and Bill May.
Please let the Parish Office know if you would like to add or remove someone
on the prayer list. Thank you.

Food for Thought
Simon Peter saw it,
he fell down at
Jesus’ knees, saying,
“Go away from me,
Lord, for I am a sinful man!”
Don’t believe the voices you hear
coming up out of the grave in your head,
snaking around you from the shadows,
saying you are not worthy.
Yes, a miracle shimmers under your feet,
yes, you draw wonders from dark mysteries,
yes, you hold the shoals of heaven in your hands,
yes, glory you can’t yet see is more than we can bear.
Yes, and you are worthy,
you are worthy.
The miracle beneath the surface
is not yours to hide.
Open yourself, and be astounded.
Then get up off your knees and come.
The world needs that light.
~ Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light