FROM THE RECTORSAVE THE DATE! St. Andrew's will celebrate our 95th anniversary on August 7, 2022. Our focus this year will be on The Rev. Frederick Charles Cowper, the first priest who served the community that would become St. Andrew's. The Rev. Cowper (pronounced "Cooper") was a retired English clergyman and a beloved pastor whose ministry in Carroll County from 1912-1929 inspired the building of our church.
The liturgy will be from the 1928 Prayer Book, used in the Episcopal Church from 1928 through the 1070's. (For those who grew up in the Episcopal Church it will sound quite familiar. For others if will be a big change!) Sermon time will be devoted to hearing about the origins of St. Andrew's and some words of wisdom from the Rev. Cowper. Hymns will be old familiar tunes, most of which were no doubt used in our early days. It will be a journey back to our roots.
Following the service there will be displays from the Rev. Cowper's personal belongings and writings and from the early days of St. Andrew's to browse, and a potluck brunch. To streamline preparation for the potluck at the church and to keep the kitchen cool we ask that everyone bring food that does not need to be cooked or heated.
The Rev. Cowper is buried in a cemetery in North Wolfeboro. The week following our celebration some of us plan to take flowers to his grave, and invite any who are interested to join us. The date and time for this will be announced in the near future.
Please join us for this festive day, and a walk back in time!
The CDC continues to classify Carroll County in the low range for community spread of Covid. This will be updated as needed, but for now masks are optional in church.
Blessings, Caroline
SAVE THE DATE! St. Andrew's will celebrate our 95th anniversary on August 7, 2022. Our focus this year will be on The Rev. Frederick Charles Cowper, the first priest who served the community that would become St. Andrew's. The Rev. Cowper (pronounced "Cooper") was a retired English clergyman and a beloved pastor whose ministry in Carroll County from 1912-1929 inspired the building of our church.
The liturgy will be from the 1928 Prayer Book, used in the Episcopal Church from 1928 through the 1070's. (For those who grew up in the Episcopal Church it will sound quite familiar. For others if will be a big change!) Sermon time will be devoted to hearing about the origins of St. Andrew's and some words of wisdom from the Rev. Cowper. Hymns will be old familiar tunes, most of which were no doubt used in our early days. It will be a journey back to our roots.
Following the service there will be displays from the Rev. Cowper's personal belongings and writings and from the early days of St. Andrew's to browse, and a potluck brunch. To streamline preparation for the potluck at the church and to keep the kitchen cool we ask that everyone bring food that does not need to be cooked or heated.
The Rev. Cowper is buried in a cemetery in North Wolfeboro. The week following our celebration some of us plan to take flowers to his grave, and invite any who are interested to join us. The date and time for this will be announced in the near future.
Please join us for this festive day, and a walk back in time!
The CDC continues to classify Carroll County in the low range for community spread of Covid. This will be updated as needed, but for now masks are optional in church.
Blessings, Caroline
Both services will be in person and the 10:00 service will be livestreamed via Zoom and Facebook Live.
Email for Zoom meeting information or
visit Facebook at
The Collect of the Day
Let your continual mercy, O Lord, cleanse and defend your Church; and, because it cannot continue in safety without your help, protect and govern it always by your goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The First Reading Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23
Psalm Psalm 49:1-11The Second Reading Colossians 3:1-11
The Holy Gospel Luke 12:13-21 |
July 31 |
August 7 |
Acolyte |
Lisa |
Gretchen |
Kaitlyn |
Tina |
Reader |
Dale |
Jonathan |
Reader |
Deane |
Bruce |
Prayers |
Pat |
Christi |
Camera |
Sammie |
8:00 |
Bob I. |
--- |
Health and Wholeness for our:
Parish: Carolyn, Marty, Judy, Jan and George, Jim, Sue, Joan, Elizabeth, Grete, Becky, Steve, Gabriele and Bob
Family and Friends: Megan, John, Angela, Gary, Grace, Tracy, Carolyn, Jody, Jack, Laurie, Alexa, Chris, Lyse, Margaret, Melody, Peg, Curt, Sage, Sharon, Mary
For all victims of gun violence, and for their families, friends and communities
7/27 Marti Shedd
Please let the Parish Office know if you would like to add or remove someone
on the prayer list. Thank you.
I’m flying low and I’m
not saying a word.
I’m letting all the voodoos of ambition sleep.
~ Mary