I WILL BE AWAY this Sunday, November 20, and the Rev. Robin Soller will be with us. I'll be meeting family in Keene to see my nephew in a theater production at Keene State.
THERE WILL BE NO THURSDAY MEMO NEXT WEEK due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
SAVE THE DATE: Caroline and Christi will lead a workshop on Spiritual Gifts following the 9:00 service on December 4. Please put this on your calendar and plan to attend! The workshop will include a spiritual gifts survey, small group discussion and how our gifts match ministries at St. Andrew's and beyond.
Please email me if you plan to attend this workshop at rectorsaitv@gmail.com. We need to know how many handouts to make. Thank you.
CHANGE IN ANNOUNCEMENTS: As I prepare to go to half-time on December 1 I've been looking at which administrative duties I can pass on to others to free up some of my time. The Thursday Memo and the Sunday bulletin are two areas I've identified. Marti Shedd will continue to prepare the Thursday Memo and bulletin, and Tina Quinn will begin proofing the bulletin. As I pass on these responsibilities committee chairs will need to take responsibility for emailing announcements to Marti for the bulletin and the Thursday Memo, and making announcements during church services.
The CDC places Carroll County in the MEDIUM range for Covid community spread. Masks are not required (but are welcomed!) and the section across from the choir is reserved for those who wish to sit with others who are masked. We will have coffee hour.
We continue to ask that you attend church online instead of in person if you have been in a large gathering in the prior week.
Sun. Nov
away; Rev. Robin Soller here; Jeff leads
Mon. Nov. 21
Thanksgiving Food
Thur. Nov. 24
Thanksgiving Day
Sun. Nov.
1st Sunday in
Advent; Val leads music
Mon. Nov. 28
Wed. Nov. 30
Every Week
8:00 pm
AA Meeting
9:00 am
8:00 pm
AA and Al
Anon Meetings
I WILL BE AWAY this Sunday, November 20, and the Rev. Robin Soller will be with us. I'll be meeting family in Keene to see my nephew in a theater production at Keene State.
THERE WILL BE NO THURSDAY MEMO NEXT WEEK due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
SAVE THE DATE: Caroline and Christi will lead a workshop on Spiritual Gifts following the 9:00 service on December 4. Please put this on your calendar and plan to attend! The workshop will include a spiritual gifts survey, small group discussion and how our gifts match ministries at St. Andrew's and beyond.
Please email me if you plan to attend this workshop at rectorsaitv@gmail.com. We need to know how many handouts to make. Thank you.
CHANGE IN ANNOUNCEMENTS: As I prepare to go to half-time on December 1 I've been looking at which administrative duties I can pass on to others to free up some of my time. The Thursday Memo and the Sunday bulletin are two areas I've identified. Marti Shedd will continue to prepare the Thursday Memo and bulletin, and Tina Quinn will begin proofing the bulletin. As I pass on these responsibilities committee chairs will need to take responsibility for emailing announcements to Marti for the bulletin and the Thursday Memo, and making announcements during church services.
The CDC places Carroll County in the MEDIUM range for Covid community spread. Masks are not required (but are welcomed!) and the section across from the choir is reserved for those who wish to sit with others who are masked. We will have coffee hour.
We continue to ask that you attend church online instead of in person if you have been in a large gathering in the prior week.
Sun. Nov
20 |
Caroline away; Rev. Robin Soller here; Jeff leads music |
Mon. Nov. 21 |
11:00 |
Thanksgiving Food
Pantry |
Thur. Nov. 24 | Thanksgiving Day | |
| ||
Sun. Nov.
27 |
1st Sunday in
Advent; Val leads music |
Mon. Nov. 28 |
6:30 |
Vestry |
Wed. Nov. 30 |
1:00 |
Team |
Every Week |
Tuesday |
8:00 pm |
AA Meeting |
Wednesday |
9:00 am |
Prayer |
Saturday |
8:00 pm |
AA and Al
Anon Meetings |
The 8:00AM service will be in person and the 10:00 AM service will be livestreamed via Zoom and Facebook Live.
Email RectorSAITV@gmail.com for Zoom meeting information or
visit Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/standrewsinthevalleytamworth/
The First Reading Jeremiah 23:1-6
In our opening lesson the Lord denounces the rulers who have so poorly shepherded the people of Israel. God will gather the flock together and give them new shepherds, especially a just ruler in the line of David. Jerimiah prophesied during the year that Babylon was conquering his country, and while Judah's last king Zedekiah (part of whose name meant righteousness) was ruling in Jerusalem. God would now have to act as shepherd to this people and will finally fulfill Israel's dream by raising up a wise and truly righteous ruler.
Psalm Psalm 46
The earth may be moved and kingdoms shaken, but God is our refuge. God is exalted among the
nations of the earth.
The Second Reading Colossians 1:11-20
In this reading Paul prays that the Colossians may be strengthened to meet whatever is to come, and he praises the Son as the visible likeness of the invisible God, through whom all things were created. He is the head of his body, the church, and the source of its life. There were some new disciples at Colossae who wished to worship Jesus as one of several lords. Paul insists that there can be no other divinities. God's full nature is in him. He is before all things and is the unifying principle for all created life. Through him we have been brought out of darkness into his kingdom, and by his sacrifice alone God reconciles all things.
The Holy Gospel Luke 23:33-43 |
| November 20 | November 27 |
Acolyte | Lisa | Gretchen |
LEM | Ann | Gretchen |
1st Reader | Chris | Marty |
2nd Reader | Jonathan | Bruce |
Prayers | Christi | Cathie |
Camera | Pat | Christi |
8:00 |
Health and Wholeness:
Parish: Carolyn, Judy, Grace, Tim, Sue, Barbara, Joan, Elizabeth, Grete, Steve, Gabriele and Bob
Family and Friends: Megan, Alec, John, Angela, Gary, Grace, Dick, Tracy, Jan & George, Carolyn, Jack, Laurie, Alexa, Chris, Lyse, Margaret, Melody, Peg, Curt, Sharon, George Randall and Mary.
Please let the Parish Office know if you would like to add or remove someone
on the prayer list. Thank you.
The cold's brute hammer flattens everything.
The forest floor pulls its leafy grief-strewn grave clothes
up around itself, matted, muted, mattressed,
closes its eye.
Trees are unnaturally still
as if the frost has caught them playing
where they shouldn't have.
The last garden flowers stand defeated,
heads bowed, blackePned, silenced,
the color of regret. My lungs despair.
Then in the sun's first glance
silver spreads across the frosted lawn,
a wing of diamonds opening.
How would it make me whole to choose
new kinds of loveliness?