Readings for this Sunday: Joshua 3:7-17; Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37;
1 Thessalonians 29-13; Matthew 23:1-12
Join us after the 10 am service, this coming Sunday, for the Blessing of the Kitchen led by The Rev. Brian Kelley. It has been redone from the floor to the ceiling. New paint, new stove, new prep table, the addition of a mop sink and prep sink, came together with help of many hands and donations. A big thank you to all who had a “hand” in this refurbish.
Last Sunday’s Service was enjoyed by all with guest priest, Rev. Susan Ackley presiding.
Heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to my Diaconate process fee for St. Andrew's!
This past Sunday, my first back since surgery, made me realize again how much more there is going on here than monetary giving (strange thought for ingathering Sunday:)). Late Saturday evening I asked God to be with me Sunday morning, "Help me to get to church" was my plea. I had to laugh out loud at the response I got, "I'll be there!" Well, of course God was there, in you, in your presence, and in the liturgy. We are asked to look for the presence of God in every person. Thank you all for making that so easy. I know that God has directed me toward the Diaconate and I thank each and every one of my parish family for your full support. As this journey continues, please give me or the discernment committee any questions or comments that you may have, and of course your prayers are always welcomed. Thanks be to God. Tom
November Book Group led by Lisa Thompson: praying for strangers An Adventure of the Human Spirit “To escape her own fear – a paralyzing terror every parent of a soldier understands – River Jordan resolves to pray for a stranger every single day for a year. And it is the beginning of something extraordinary.” (Neil White, jacket cover) Discover where River Jordan’s resolution takes her –and you – in her compelling and can’t-put-down account. We will read the book and then meet to reflect what has moved us, excited us, comforted us, or challenged us. More information and sign-up times in the Parish Hall this Sunday and next.

We hope you will join us for a Saint Andrew's Harvest Supper and Pie Auction, to be held on Friday evening, November 18th. Tickets will be available at the door. Plan to come and invite your friends.! It is hoped that many of you will bake delicious pies (pies that can be frozen for Thanksgiving feasts are especially welcome) to be auctioned following the meal, beginning at about 7:30pm.
Note: Pies should be delivered on the day of the dinner/auction by 3 p.m.
Get Ready! for the Boughs and Bonbons Christmas Fair, December 3rd
ALL ARE WELCOME! To join a Service of Morning Prayer, every Wednesday at 9 AM, led by one of our three licensed worship leaders.
Happy Fall Blessings, Debra
Fri 10/28: The office will be closed today.
10a-noon Food Center
Sat 10/29:
8pm AA & Al-Anon(PH,PR)
Sun 10/30:
8am and 10am Holy Eucharist
Blessing of the Kitchen to follow the 10am service.
5pm Dinner Bell: Cook team: Tamworth Congregational
Mon 10/31:
Church office closed
Tue 11/1:
10a-noon Food Center
8pm AA (PH)
Wed 11/2:
9am Morning Prayer
Thu 11/3:
Anyone who might be willing to provide pictures of our guest priests or have something to post, please forward your information to the office through hard copy or email to