Readings for this Sunday: Exodus 33:12-23, Psalm 99; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10; Matthew 22:15-22
Last Sunday’s Service was enjoyed by all with guest priest, Rev. Ellie McLaughlin presiding.
This coming Sunday, October 16th will be Fall Workday. Wear work clothes, bring your gloves and rakes and plan to stay to lend a hand for sprucing up. Help with indoor and outdoor work is needed.
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Nancy Whitaker manning the booth |
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Chris Mills helping out. |
Another Successful Fair Fundraiser! Thank you! Thank you! to everyone who was part of the effort. It was a huge success. At least 45 people directly participated in preparations , contribution of items for sale, time manning the booth and prayers for good weather and overall success. (Good weather prayers may have been overdone as we were in direct sun from 8am to 6pm every day.) We made over $2,000. There will be some of the jams, relishes, small gourds and ornamental corn available for purchase after the 10am service on Sunday.
Anyone who needs reimbursement or a donation receipt please provide a bill to Debra in the office this week.Items that you provided that were used in the displays will be in the Prince Room, please pick up these items to take home as soon as possible as we do not have available space to store them.
Again, thanks for a great job done! From Gretchen.
This didn’t happen last week, but may happen this week: There is a slight possibility that work will begin this Saturday on the ramped entry to our Parish Hall! If so, be on the lookout for signs indicating which way to enter. The first phase of the work, whenever it takes place, will be to remove the existing walk and railing.
Contributions to the ChIPs program and United Thank Offering need to be submitted by Sunday, October 23rd so they can be taken to Diocesan Convention by our delegates.
ALL ARE WELCOME! To join a Service of Morning Prayer, every Wednesday at 9 AM, led by one of our three licensed worship leaders.
Autumn by Eddie Duli
Resplendent hues appease my vision,
Fall has fulfilled its yearly mission,
Sporadic breezes blow leaves around,
Forming multi-colored patterns upon the ground.
Sparrows utter subtle sounds,
As frantic squirrels make their rounds,
Brisk weather chases summer's bugs,
Emerald lawns become saffron rugs.
Children pile all the leaves they can muster,
Indian summer provides added luster,
Autumn is a season full of esteem,
It is a time of nature's brightest gleam.
Happy Fall Blessings, Debra
Fri 10/14: 10a-noon Food Center
Sat 10/15:
8pm AA & Al-Anon(PH,PR)
Sun 10/16:
8am and 10am Holy Eucharist
Fall Workday following 10am Service
5pm Dinner Bell: Cook team: Sandwich
Mon 10/17: Church office closed
Tue 10/18:
10a-noon Food Center
8pm AA (PH)
Wed 10/19:
9am Morning Prayer
Thu 10/20:
7pm Vestry Meeting
Anyone who might be willing to provide pictures of our guest priests or have something to post, please forward your information to the office through hard copy or email to