This Sunday, the 4th Sunday after Easter and Good Shepherd Sunday, we will have services at 8 and 10 AM, with coffee hour following each service. This is also "Bring-your-sheep-to-church Sunday!" All small sheep welcome – stuffed, carved, china, photographed, spun. The "flock" will surround us in our worship on the window ledges.
After coffee hour, an entourage of children and adults will "process" by car to the Hird's farm in Sandwich for a picnic and some time with some real lambs! Thanks in advance to Juli, Stephen, Aislinn, and Ronan for inviting us and helping us learn what it means to be a good shepherd and tender of sheep.
Readings for this Sunday: Acts 4:5-12, Psalm 23, 1 John 3:16-24, John 10:11-18
Last chance to reserve your tickets the Italian Murder Mystery Dinner! Please call the church office by noon on Friday. Only a limited number left and they're going fast.

A few of the questionable characters in this zesty pistol and passion mystery. An Italian gift basket will be given to one of the dinner guests who solves the mystery of who killed Pepi Roni.
Don't forget our Lakes Region "Meet & Greet," to be held at the Holderness School this coming Wednesday, May 2nd. This is your opportunity to meet all three of our nominees for Bishop and to ask your questions and hear responses. Registration is from 5:45 to 6:15. The sessions begin at 6:30 sharp and will run for about two hours. Saint Andrew's has agreed to provide some refreshments. Please sign up on the parish bulletin board to provide food or offer or request a ride.
A huge thank you to all who stayed last Sunday to take part in our Spring Parish Work Day. The front lawn is now raked, thanks to Levi, Lynn, and Chris. The Parish Hall windows are pristine! the Prince Room entryway has been positively transformed!!! And there's still more to be done. If you have some time to share, call the office and someone will get back to you.
Reminder: On Sunday, May 6th we will have ONE service only at 9:00. It will be followed by an all-parish conversation and sharing of observation from the "Meet & Greets" to which all are welcome.
Food for thought from Brother Geoffrey Tristram
God longs for each of us to become the unique person that God made us to be, and to reflect the glory of God out into the world. – Br. Geoffrey TristramA huge thank you to all who stayed last Sunday to take part in our Spring Parish Work Day. The front lawn is now raked, thanks to Levi, Lynn, and Chris. The Parish Hall windows are pristine! the Prince Room entryway has been positively transformed!!! And there's still more to be done. If you have some time to share, call the office and someone will get back to you.
Reminder: On Sunday, May 6th we will have ONE service only at 9:00. It will be followed by an all-parish conversation and sharing of observation from the "Meet & Greets" to which all are welcome.
Food for thought from Brother Geoffrey Tristram
Blessings, Heidi+
the office at St. Andrew’s
Fri 4/27:
10a-noon Food Center6 PM Italian Dinner Mystery
Sat 4/28:
AA St. Patricks Supper8pm AA & Al-Anon(PH,PR)
8 AM Holy Eucharist10 AM Holy Eucharist
5 PM Dinner Bell (Cook Team: Rau )
4/30 Church
office closed
7 pm Boy ScoutsTue 5/1:
10am – noon Food Center
8pm AA (PH)
Wed 5/2:
9 AM Service of Morning Prayer
Thu 5/3:
6pm Round Table Eucharist
6:30 pm Brown Bag Supper
7 pm Vestry Meeting