At 7 PM the Good Friday Liturgy of the Day will be held, which includes hymns, the solemn collects, and Communion from the Reserved Sacrament. All are welcome.
A special thank you to Gretchen, Cathie, and Grete for braving the brisk air and tidying up the memorial garden this week in preparation for Easter.
Crucifix from Museo Dell'Opera, Florence
Food for Reflection
from "The Indiscriminate Host"
in John Shea’s Stories of Faith:
At the meal
Jesus said
“My friends,
Hold onto life with an open hand
as I hold this bread and wine.
This bread is our food.
This wine is our drink.
This meal is our fellowship.
So we hand over to the Giver Of Life
the music our muscles make,
the kisses that bring peace,
the sounds that swell the heart.
But this bread is my body broken,
This wine is my blood outpoured.
This meal is our sacrifice.
So we hand over to the Giver Of Life
the eyes that squint back,
the hands that do not reach out,
the barricaded mind, the hoarding heart.
All we are we offer.
Life received as a gift
is given up a gift. “
Then there was a garden without fragrance
and a man with cold lips
and a high priest with a ripped robe
and a governor with glistening hands
and a disciple with a labyrinthine lie
and a carpenter put back to work.
After Jesus had passed through the dark door,
his friends returned
to what they did best,
Galilee and the sea.
One evening Peter said,
“I am going out to weep”
But they thought he said
“I am going out to fish”
So they went with him
And they wept and fished the night away,
catching nothing but their tears.
With the dawn
came a fire on the shore
and the smell of fish across the water.
Through the mist
A man was crumbled over the coals.
He rose
like an arrow from the bow of the earth,
like an open hand in a time of war.
like the smoke of an undying sacrifice
and turned.
“Come eat your meal.”
No one, John says, presumed to inquire,
“Who are you?”
They knew who it was.
The host had returned.
That is why we meet together
with food and drink between us.
As God would not let go of Jesus
in the hour of his death,
His friends would not let go of him
in the hour of his glory.
Down to this day
we break the bread of his absence
and hope
and drink the wine of his presence
and live.
On this night we have all been given a great gift when he said "I give you and new commandment: Love one another as I have loved you."
May we all have the grace to live into that commandment.
Blessings and peace in His name,