Food for thought for this day from the Orthodox liturgy:
Today Hades tearfully sighs: " Would that I had not received him who was born of Mary, for he came to me and destroyed my power; he broke my bronze gates, and being God, delivered the souls I had been holding captive!" O Lord, glory to your cross and to your holy resurrection!
Today Hades groans: "My power has vanished. I received one who died as mortals die, but I could not hold him: with him and through him I lost those over which I had ruled. I had held control over the dead since the world began, and lo, he raises them all up with him!" O Lord, glory to your cross and holy resurrection.
Holy Saturday, Children's Easter Garden gathering 12:30 to 2 with bag lunch.

Easter Day: The service of holy eucharist at 8:00 AM is spoken and has no music. The 10:00 liturgy includes, hymns, choir, organ, trumpet, and celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Coffee hours follow both services. We hope you will join with us in celebration!
Easter Dinner will be served at Dinner Bell at 5:00 hosted by the Raus and the Souths.
Detail of a tapestry of the Resurrection of Christ, based on a cartoon by the school of Raphael and created in the workshop of Pieter van Aelst in Brussels, 1524-31. Part of the Scuola Nuova series depicting episodes from the life of Christ. The Vatican Museums.
A word about the "Good Friday Offering"...
Envelopes have been available during Holy Week for this sepcial offering in support of the Episcopal Church in the Holy Lands. The work and witness of the church in that region, often working in tandem with Muslims and Jews, is of vital importance to peace and reconciliation. Please know that if you would like to contribute, the envelopes are still out. It's not too late.
Blessings on this holy day.
I hope to see you this evening as we kindle the Easter fire at 8 o'clock!