This Sunday, the 7th of October, the Nineteenth
Sunday after Pentecost, there will be ONE service at 9 a.m.,
with coffee hour following. We hope you'll join us for worship and fellowship.
Readings for this Sunday: Job 1:1; 2:1-10, Psalm 26, Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12, Mark 10:2-16.
Morning Prayer every Wednesday at 9 a.m.
Sandwich Fair is this weekend!!! Plan to visit our booth in the Farmers’ Market section and spread the word! If you have signed up to staff the booth, allow sufficient time to park your car and find us and be on time for your shift. We're counting on you. Please be prepared for whatever whether we might have; whether it’s rainy or sunny, hot or cold we will be there. Workers: Remember to pick up your free entrance ticket at church Friday. And thank you! Questions call Gretchen Behr-Svendsen.
You’re invited to help Judy & Larry Grace celebrate their 50th anniversary this Sunday, October 7 from 1 to 4. Stop in on your way to the fair! 239 Durrell Road, Tamworth, NH. They request no gifts, just your presence! Questions call Deborah Swisher 447-2812, Teresa Grace 323-7204 or Roy Grace 323-7365.

Saints’ Church, Littleton: Saturday, November 3
from 2 to 4
*Grapone Center, Concord: Saturday, November 10 from 1 to 4
To contribute to the fund
for an endowed Chaplaincy at the Women’s Prison, a project that he has
requested in lieu of a retirement gift, and to view the video go to and click on
the “Bishop’s Retirement” column.
Pick up your UTO boxes
in the Parish Hall and
drop a coin in daily. UTO boxes and/or check donations must be turned in by
Sunday, October 21st. Please make checks payable to St. Andrew’s with UTO in
the memo line.This year the children of the parish will be helping with the ChIPs program (Children of Incarcerated Parents) by encouraging you to contribute and by being the purchasers of the gifts! If you would like to make a contribution, please make checks payable to Saint Andrew’s with ChIPs in the memo line by October 21st.
Next Sunday, October 14th, will be our Blessing of the Animals . Plan on bringing your pet(s) to church for either the 8 AM or 10 AM services that morning. Please have dogs on a leash and other creatures in a cage. We will reserve the transept as an “animal free zone.”
Facilities update; your building maintenance dollars at work: Refinishing of the front doors is underway. Getting the old finish off is turning out to be a challenge. If anyone can loan a belt sander, let us know. If you're an experienced sander and could put in an hour or two, let us know that. And if you have tips – such as a favorite varnish-remover product to recommend, that would help too. Thanks! – Duane (367-8336)
Re-pointing of the stonework will begin soon, so don't surprised if you see scaffolding on the west face of the church. Gary Jones (Jones Brick & Stone) and an assistant will be doing the work. If you look carefully at the angled buttress nearest to the parish hall entry, you'll see why this is an urgent need. (Count the cracks; some of them actually run through some of the stones!)
Thanks for your ongoing support!
Food for thought from Buddhist writer and practitioner David
Brazier . . .
We depend through the whole of life on the support of others—upon the
natural world, upon other people, and, spiritually, upon the tradition of
wisdom that has come down to us through human history. . . Our dependency is
not a cause for despair but rather leads to a sense of wonderment and
gratitude, which is the moving force of true spirituality.
See you in
Blessings, Heidi+
If you have anything that you would like to have put
in the Thurs. Memo, please email to the office by the previous Wednesday. Your
submissions are welcome.
Fri 10/5:
10a-noon Food CenterSANDWICH FAIR
8pm AA & Al-Anon(PH,PR)
9 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II
5 PM Dinner Bell (Cook Team: Tara Pierce)
Mon 10/8: Church office closed
NOON: Litcom
8pm AA (Prince Room)
Thu 10/11: