We began our evening liturgy with the burning of the palms beneath a star-lit sky. |
for this coming Sunday,
February 3rd, the First Sunday in Lent will be at 8 and 10 am, with coffee hour
following both services.
Readings for this Sunday: Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16, Romans 10:8b-13, Luke 4:1-13.
This past week
has been a full one at Saint Andrew’s: the Bishop’s visit, which included the
liturgy, at which Elizabeth Wiesner reaffirmed her baptism, and a parish
a fabulous Pancake Supper, with good food, the Pancake Toss,
the Rector’s
Discreet Tattoo Parlor; and a well-observed Ash Wednesday (at the church and at
Lakeview). Please scroll down for a gallery of pictures, and take a look on
Sunday in the Parish for more! (Thank you, Duane, for the pix, and thank you to
George Rau and his amazing kitchen team for the food!)
Are you adventerous? Join the Scramblers event!
Join us for a “Parish Book Read:” The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. We
will read the book on our own in February, then have several opportunities to
gather to discuss it. This book is not overtly religious but how can a
pilgrimage not be a spiritual endeavor? Consider inviting a friend to join you
as a way of broadening our circle. It is a promising, page-turner of a book and
will serve as a conversational jumping-off point as we relate Harold Fry’s
pilgrimage and explore how our faith background shapes the ways in which we
understand our lives. We will hold the discussions in early March. Sign-up
sheets are on the easel in the Parish Hall. Books are available in the office
for $14 or may be purchased on your own.
If you missed the Ash Wednesday service…
Copies of the sermon by Peter Chrysologus, 5th century bishop of
Ravenna, which the rector referred to in her homily, are available by the
bulletin board in the Parish Hall (printed on blue paper).
up a booklet of Lenten Meditations from
Episcopal Relief & Development from the table in the Parish Hall.
*You’ve heard about “March Madness,” right? Try Lent Madness at http://wp.me/p26lTn-t8 if you want something informative and WILDLY light-hearted. [Warning: this is NOT your grandfather’s Episcopal Church!]
This most useful Lenten devotional practice is one you can actually stay with
and honor. Perhaps the simplest is to commit to setting aside five minutes each
day to be still and fully aware – of your own body, your feelings, the sights,
sounds, and smells around you – making yourself present to the Spirit.
From the office at St. Andrew’s: Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9am-Noon
*******Winter Weather Advisory!!! Please
keep in mind during the winter when the weather looks questionable for safe
travel to call the church before you leave home to check for schedule changes.
If a storm comes in on Saturday evening or Sunday, I will make a judgment by
6:30 AM about whether to hold, cancel, or delay services. Cancellations will
also be announced on WMWV radio 93.5. I will also send an email out to you if
you have provided me with your email address. PLEASE do not travel if it feels
unsafe to you. Enjoy a Sabbath morning at home and remember St. Andrew’s in
your prayers.
*******More Pictures from the Bishop's Visit:
More pictures from the Pancake Supper: