coming Sunday, February 10, we welcome our new bishop, Rob Hirschfeld, to
Saint Andrew’s–in-the-Valley. We will be having only ONE service at 10:00. Elizabeth Wiesner will be reaffirming her
baptism, Bishop Rob will be preaching and presiding, and the choir has prepared
music with guest musician Ron Wold on French Horn. The liturgy will be followed
by a reception and an open conversation with the bishop. This is his first opportunity to get to us as a parish.
Readings for this Sunday, The Last Sunday after the Epiphany, are Exodus 34:29-35, Psalm 99, 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 and Luke 9:28-43a.
The Bishop’s Discretionary Fund: It is
the church’s custom that contributions to the Bishop’s discretionary Fund be
encouraged at the time of the Bishop’s visit to the parish. An envelope will be
included in the bulletin for your convenience. This fund provides for the
bishop to reach in a myriad of ways around the diocese where there is
particular need.
Celebrating the life of Jim Brown:
Saturday, February 9, 3 pm. Jim passed away last Sunday after a long and good
life. (Call first if the snow is heavy.)
all dried palms!!! Do you have palms from last Palm Sunday tucked behind a
picture or into your Bible or Prayer Book? There’s a basket to receive them on
the piano in the transept. They will be used to create ashes for Ash Wednesday.

On Ash Wednesday we will have three services:
Morning Prayer at 9 AM, Imposition of Ashes and Eucharist at noon and 7 PM.
The evening liturgy will begin with the burning of the palms outside the main
door. “Return to me with all your heart.”
says the Lord your God, for the Lord your God is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger, and abiding in steadfast love.
Special thanks to our “Heroes of the Week,”
George Rau, David Manly, and Tom Reinfuss who moved furniture out then back
in to the Parish Hall and Prince Room for the professional cleaning of the
carpets. What a difference!

Click the link below, then scroll
down for a terrific 4-minute video interview with the author.
A Special “Heartsong Workshop, Saturday,
February 16th, from 10-3:
WHAT: Singing,
Chanting, Drumming, and MovementWHO: Adults and young people (9+ or younger and musically enthusiastic) ready to delve into sound, silence, and Spirit. No musical ability needed!
WHY: To build community, grow spiritually, and “sing your way to your sweetest identity!”
This workshop will be held at Holy Cross Church in Weare (near Concord). It will be led by Ana Hernandez, a Composer, performer, and author of a wonderful book, The Sacred Art of Chant.
If your at all interested, let Rev. Heidi know and we can register a group of us.
Food for thought on relationship as we move
from Epiphany into Lent:
God has created you as you are…. In God’s
scheme of things, God has plans for a relationship with you that lasts forever,
a relationship which only grows in intimacy over the years. It’s like an
eternal infatuation. You’re always on God’s mind…. –Br. Curtis Almquist
Live into
the varied richness of these coming days…and enjoy the snow!