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A VERY wet day this morning in paradise ...
and a dry basement, thanks to our recent gutter/drainage
One Service only at 9 am this coming Sunday, February 3rd, the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, followed by the Annual Meeting. Get here any way you can. We are required to have a quorum for the meeting to be valid! If you need a ride, call the office. Please plan to join us in the parish hall after church for a sit-down brunch, followed by our Annual Meeting. Come celebrate being the parish we are, and say thank you to Sammie Wakefield – who is stepping down after 5 years as Senior Warden – and other retiring vestry members. Then vote for new ones! See the slate below. Bring a dish for the food table and we will all feast together!
Readings for this Sunday: Jeremiah 1:4-10; Psalm 71:1-6; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30.
The Women’s Lunch Bunch will meet a week early this month due to Ash Wednesday. They will meet on February 6th at the Mountain View Station Restaurant in Center Ossipee at Noon. All are welcome; please call Dale at 539-3761 if you have questions.
The Fun-Raising Committee would like to invite all interested persons to a wine & cheese/dessert & coffee social 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 6th at St. Andrew's. Please come hear about what we've got planned for 2013 and how you can get involved to make it all happen. If you have any questions, please call Lynne Clough at 323-7046 or e-mail her at littlefarm239@roadrunner.com.
Next Sunday, February 10th – ONE service at 10:00 am. Come welcome our new bishop, Rob Hirschfeld, for his first visit with us; support Elizabeth Wiesner as she makes a reaffirmation of her baptismal vows; and take time during the reception following the liturgy to introduce yourself to our new bishop.
The Nominating Committee
presents the following slate for 2013:
Senior Warden: Carol Tubman (1st year of two-year
term)Clerk: Chris Mills (1st one-year term)
Treasurer: Bob Seston (2nd one-year term)
Clough for a one-year term (to fulfill
Chris Mills’s unexpired term)Barbara Lord (1st year of two-year term)
David Manley (1st year of two-year term)
George Rau (1st year of second two-year term)
Phil Wallick (1st year of second two-year term)
Convocation/Convention Delegates:
Kennedy (1st year of second 2-year term)Cathy Lewis (1st year of second 2-year term)
Kaitlyn Marshall (Youth Representative)
George Rau (1st year of second 2-year term)
Parish Representative to Nominating Committee: Lisa Thompson
Lent is coming! Prepare for the pilgrimage by bringing in your last year’s palms for burning. There will be a basket on the piano …
And mark your calendars for…
*Our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at 6pm on February 12. (Contact George Rau (323-8223) is you’d be willing to lend a hand in the kitchen.)
*Ash Wednesday services on February 13: 9 am Morning Prayer, Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes at noon and 7pm.
Food for thought at the time of the Feast of the Presentation…
This Saturday is the fortieth day after the Nativity. In Jesus’ time, after forty days a Jewish woman who had delivered a child was considered ritually pure, restored to “health and vitality,” and able to be received in the temple precepts and return to public life and corporate worship. [See Luke 2:22-40.] This passage relays the story as Mary and Joseph and the 40-day old Jesus come to the Temple to offer their ritual sacrifice of two turtle doves. They are greeted by the wonderful elderly pair – Simeon and Anna – who miraculously see in the simplicity of the parents and the Holy Child the fulfillment of God’s promise.
Lord God, you now have set your servant free to go in peace as you have promised, for these eyes of mine have seen the Savior whom you have prepared for all the world to see, a light to enlighten the nations and the glory of your people Israel. This brief passage is the canticle known as the Nunc dimittis or the Song of Simeon, regularly said as the second canticle for Evening Prayer and Compline.
From the office at St. Andrew’s: Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9am-Noon
Winter Weather Advisory!!! Please keep in mind during the winter when the
weather looks questionable for safe travel to call the church before you leave
home to check for schedule changes. If a storm comes in on Saturday evening or
Sunday, I will make a judgment by 6:30 AM about whether to hold, cancel, or
delay services. Cancellations will also be announced on WMWV radio 93.5. I will
also send an email out to you if you have provided me with your email address.
PLEASE do not travel if it feels unsafe to you. Enjoy a Sabbath morning at home
and remember St. Andrew’s in your prayers.
*******10 AM-noon Food Center
8 PM AA & Al-Anon (PH,PR)
9 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II
Annual Meeting following Service
5 PM Dinner Bell
(Cook Team: Manley)
Mon 2/4: Church office closed
6:30-8:30 PM Boy Scout Troop
Tue 2/5:
10 AM – noon Food Center8 PM AA Step Meeting
Wed 2/6:
9 AM Service of Morning Prayer