Mini Parish Meeting and Potluck Brunch
on Pentecost Sunday, June 5
Please plan to attend church on Sunday, June 5 for
a celebration of Pentecost and the birthday of the Christian Church, followed
by a mini parish meeting to talk about how Covid has and is impacting our life
together at St. Andrew’s. We will meet in the church so that those on Zoom can
participate as well. After the meeting we’ll set up food in the parish hall and
eat outside under the tent. Please plan to bring your favorite brunch dish to
I really hope you will make every effort to join
us for this discussion!
Don’t forget to wear red for Pentecost!
Please let me know if you would be willing to read
the lesson from Acts in a different language. Many thanks!
This Sunday, May 29, we will have only
one service at 10:00 because I still cannot drive except
locally. No one needs to leave home at 5:30 am to get me to church at 7:30. My
apologies, 8:00-ers!!!
Today at noon our bell was rung 21
times in memory of those who were killed in the Uvalde
school shooting. Thank you to Lin Frank for tolling the bell.
MASKS ARE NOW REQUIRED in church again, as the Covid numbers have been on the rise and we know several people who have been infected. I think we can expect to go back and forth between wearing masks and not as the numbers rise and fall in the foreseeable future.
As before, please, for the safety of others, plan to attend church on Zoom if you have recently traveled commercially and/or been present at large gatherings, or are not feeling well.
JOHN MCGOWAN’S MEMORIAL SERVICE will be held at 11:00 am on Saturday, June 4 at St. Andrew’s, followed by a reception in the Parish Hall and on the grounds, weather permitting.
LINK TO FORWARD DAY BY DAY For some unknown reason we didn’t receive this quarter’s copies of Forward Day by Day. For those of you who are missing it, it is available online at this link:
If you would like to receive the daily reflection via email, scroll to the bottom of the website page and click on the “Subscribe” button.
If you’re a Facebook user it’s also available there. Search for Forward Day by Day and follow the page. We hope to receive next quarter’s booklet on time!
Mini Parish Meeting and Potluck Brunch
on Pentecost Sunday, June 5
Please plan to attend church on Sunday, June 5 for
a celebration of Pentecost and the birthday of the Christian Church, followed
by a mini parish meeting to talk about how Covid has and is impacting our life
together at St. Andrew’s. We will meet in the church so that those on Zoom can
participate as well. After the meeting we’ll set up food in the parish hall and
eat outside under the tent. Please plan to bring your favorite brunch dish to
I really hope you will make every effort to join
us for this discussion!
Don’t forget to wear red for Pentecost!
Please let me know if you would be willing to read
the lesson from Acts in a different language. Many thanks!
This Sunday, May 29, we will have only one service at 10:00 because I still cannot drive except locally. No one needs to leave home at 5:30 am to get me to church at 7:30. My apologies, 8:00-ers!!!
Today at noon our bell was rung 21
times in memory of those who were killed in the Uvalde
school shooting. Thank you to Lin Frank for tolling the bell.
MASKS ARE NOW REQUIRED in church again, as the Covid numbers have been on the rise and we know several people who have been infected. I think we can expect to go back and forth between wearing masks and not as the numbers rise and fall in the foreseeable future.
As before, please, for the safety of others, plan to attend church on Zoom if you have recently traveled commercially and/or been present at large gatherings, or are not feeling well.
JOHN MCGOWAN’S MEMORIAL SERVICE will be held at 11:00 am on Saturday, June 4 at St. Andrew’s, followed by a reception in the Parish Hall and on the grounds, weather permitting.
LINK TO FORWARD DAY BY DAY For some unknown reason we didn’t receive this quarter’s copies of Forward Day by Day. For those of you who are missing it, it is available online at this link:
If you would like to receive the daily reflection via email, scroll to the bottom of the website page and click on the “Subscribe” button.
If you’re a Facebook user it’s also available there. Search for Forward Day by Day and follow the page. We hope to receive next quarter’s booklet on time!
Blessings, Caroline
Blessings, Caroline
Both services are held in person
The 10:00 service is also available via Zoom
(email for Zoom information)
and Facebook at
The Collect
O God, the King of glory, you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven: Do not leave us comfortless, but send us your Holy Spirit to strengthen us, and exalt us to that place where our Savior Christ has gone before; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
First Reading Acts 16:16-34
This reading tells of the imprisonment of Paul and Silas after Paul had healed a slave girl who was possessed by a spirit. an earthquake opens the doors of the prison, but Paul takes the occasion to convert the jailer and his family. This is among a series of many adventures that happened to Paul in his missionary work. It illustrates both his fortitude and the manner in which he seized every opportunity to spread the gospel.
The Second Reading Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21
In his final vision John the Seer pictures the glorious Lord Jesus coming to judge and to save. Blessed are those who have washed their robes by sharing in the sufferings of the one who is both David's offspring and Lord. He is the brightest star of heaven. The bride, which is the church, joins with the Spirit and all others who take part in calling, "Come!" The passage closes with one of Christianity's oldest prayers: "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"
The Gospel John 17:20-26
In our gospel Jesus prays for the unity of his present and future disciples with the Father and himself. This is the closing of what has been called Jesus' high-priestly prayer. The unity for which he asks reaches deeper than outward signs or human comprehension. It is the oneness of the Father's love in the Son and of the Son in the Father. This love Jesus has made known and it indwells his followers. Their unity will be a witness to the world. Jesus prays that his disciples may behold and share in the glory given to him through the Father's love before the world began.
Click below to see the readings:

Health and Wholeness for our:
Parish: : Audrey, Carolyn, Marty, Judy, Jim, Sue, Joan, Elizabeth, Grete, Becky, Steve, Gabriele and Bob
Family and Friends: : Megan, John, Angela, Gary, Grace, Tracy, Carolyn, Jack, Laurie, Alexa, Chris, Lyse, Margaret, Melody, Peg, Curt, Sage, Sharon, Mary
For those who have died:
Anniversaries: George and Patti 06/01
Please let the Parish Office know if you would like to add or remove someone
on the prayer list. Thank you.
Food for Thought
Grace and Peace to you.
Peace I leave with you;
my peace I give to you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
—John 14.27
I give to you a heart of serenity,
the grace to be undisturbed
even as chaos surrounds.
I give to you a heart of harmony,
that you may be forgiving,
knowing you are forgiven.
I give to you a heart of hope,
confident in the grace that moves
unseen and vast.
I give to you a heart of acceptance,
to be present with what is
even if it is not what shall be.
I give to you a heart of wholeness,
that you may know you belong
and all that is within you be healed.
I give to you a heart of gentleness,
to live graciously with all,
even those who are not at peace.
I give to you a heart of love,
that you know you are my Beloved,
and be at peace with all.
My peace I give to you,
the Peace of the Crucified and Risen One.
Peace be with you.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light